
Fluent API around playwright

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import playwrightController from '';



Fluent API around Playwright

Build Status Build status npm version

Controller API | Selector API | Assertion API | FAQ | with jest


npm i --save playwright-controller

This will also install Playwright along with its dependencies and the browser binaries. Browser binaries are about 50-100MB each, so expect the installation network traffic to be substantial.


import { PlaywrightController } from 'playwright-controller';

const pwc = new PlaywrightController();

await pwc
    headless: false,
  .emulateDevice('iPhone 6 landscape')
  .typeText("don't tell!")
  .select('Value 3').in('#exampleCustomSelect')

This API provides a Selector Fluent API that enables to find and target a DOM element or a collection of DOM elements that is embedded in complex DOM Hierarchy:

const selector = pwc
  .selector('[role="row"]') // will get all dom elements, within the current page, with the attribute role="row"
  .withText('foobar') // will filter only those that contain the text 'foobar'
  .find('td') // from previous result(s), find all embedded <td> elements
  .nth(2); // take only the second cell

await pwc.expectThat(selector).hasText('foobar-2');

This API is still a draft and is in early development, but stay tuned!


Check out our contributing guide.



Q: How does playwright-controller relate to Playwright?

Playwright-controller is just a wrapper around the Playwright API. The purpose of Playwright-controller is to be able to write e2e tests as fast as possible in a way that makes tests readable, reusable and maintainable.

Q: Can I start using Playwright-controller in my existing code base?

Yes you can.

import { PlaywrightController } from 'playwright-controller';

// just create a new instance with playwright's browser and page instances
const pwc = new PlaywrightController(browser, page);

// now you can use the fluent API

Q: Can I use Playwright together with the Playwright-controller?

Yes you can. To use the Playwright API, just use the currentBrowser() and/or currentPage() methods exposed by the fluent API:

const browser = 'chromium';
const pwc = new PlaywrightController();
await pwc
  .emulateDevice('iPhone 6 landscape')

// now if you want to use the playwright API from this point:
const browser = pwc.currentBrowser();
const page = pwc.currentPage();

// the browser and page objects are standard playwright objects
// so now you are ready to go by using the playwright API

Q: What can I do with the currently published npm package playwright-controller?

The documentations:

reflect the current status of the development and are inline with the published package.

Q: Do you have some samples on how to use this library with jest?

Yes, have a look to this starter project.