Create English phrases from hex strings that are easier to recognize and remember
Javascript API
Register a function to be called when the when the dictionaries are loaded and pleonasm is ready to use.
Encode a hex string into an English phrase. Returns an object, with the key 'code' as the result:
{ translation: 'vulngf',
codeWords: [ 'visualizing', 'free' ],
code: 'visualizing free',
spaced: 'v u l ng f ' }
Can take wordDelimiter and groupDelimiter as additional arguments (see .format).
.encode('0167aa36cf832', '_', '/')
{ translation: 'ulvtnnmvcfwmk',
[ 'rule', 'veterinarian',
'move', 'care',
'fewer', 'mark' ],
code: 'rule_veterinarian_move/care_fewer_mark',
spaced: ' ul v t n n m v c f w m k' }
.decode('visualizing free')
Decode an English phrase to get a hex number.
{ hex: '601a9f',
spaced: 'v u l ng f ',
translation: 'vulngf' }
.format(codeWords, wordDelimiter, groupDelimiter)
Format an array of code words into a string. Words are connected with wordDelimiter (usually ' '), phrases of three words each are connected with groupDelimiter (usually ', ')).
Javascript (Browser)
Files needed:
-- adj.txt
-- noun.txt
-- verb.txt
-- pleonasm.js
<script src="js/pleonasm.js"></script>
pleonasm.onload(function() {
var encoded = pleonasm.encode('ad3a507').code;
Install via npm:
npm install pleonasm
npm test pleonasm
var pleonasm = require('pleonasm');
pleonasm.onload(function() {
var encoded = pleonasm.encode('ad3a507').code;
from pleonasm import Encoder, decode
enc = Encoder('../dictionaries')
encoded = enc.encode('601a9f')
print encoded # 'visualizing free'
decoded = decode('rule_veterinarian_move')
print decoded # '0167aa36'
Acknowledgements and other projects
The dictionaries are created from the 1-grams of the Google Ngram data.
The idea of the grammatical template stems from tripphrase.
humanhash creates hashes (compressed) from a 256-word dictionary.