
Quick start for plex-dvr

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import plexDvrRun from '';


Plex DVR Postprocessor Easy Start


As of Plex Media Server v1.19.3, the postprocessing script must be called from the Scripts directory inside the application data directory. This allows you to quickly set up plex-dvr on your server.


Quick Start

# from (application data directory)/Scripts
git clone
cd plex-dvr-run
npm i

Then, in your Plex Media Server DVR settings, set your DVR's postprocessing script to plex-dvr-run/run.


To customize for your system after running the quick start, run npx plex-dvr --sample-config. This will dump a sample config.json into the console, along with printing the config directory path.


Save your comskip.ini file in the config directory. See the tuning document for more information.


Run HandBrakeCLI --help to see a list of available enocoders on your system, replacing the value in the config with your choice. Run HandBrakeCLI --encoder-preset-list [your encoder] to see available presets, pick one to add to your config.