convert png to windows ico format
npm install --save-dev png-to-ico
npm script:
png-to-ico electron.png > app.ico
programming usage:
const fs = require('fs');
const pngToIco = require('png-to-ico');
.then(buf => {
fs.writeFileSync('app.ico', buf);
If you want to control what sizes should be in the icon file, pass an array of files:
pngToIco(['electron16x16.png', 'electron32x32.png'])
.then(buf => {
fs.writeFileSync('app.ico', buf);
Why use png-to-ico?
When I work on an electron project, it's always a nightmare to create ico for windows.
There're so many options out there like apps that make icon for you, photoshop plugin. But none of them satisfy me.
I want a JavaScript module that works like the .NET ico tool, which automatically generate different sizes for ico file.
Based on jimp:
An image processing library written entirely in JavaScript for Node, with zero external or native dependencies.
In other words, png-to-ico is written purely in JavaScript, which is great for windows user.