
Use any mat-icon from any material theme

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import poIcons from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/po-icons';



This library extends MatIcons to accept icons from any material icons theme (default, outlined, two-tone, round, sharp). All of those icons listed in material design page is not working in the font-icons. Look into better alternatives for the support of more icons.

There is typescript types defined for all of the material icons(not 100% accurate).




Angular content change lifecycle hook is also implemented, so it accepts angular interpolation in html



This library was generated with Angular CLI version 7.2.15.

How to implement

Reference css styles from Google's Material Icons.

This line should be placed into the index.html inside the <head></head> tags:

<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Material+Icons|Material+Icons+Outlined|Material+Icons+Two+Tone|Material+Icons+Round|Material+Icons+Sharp" rel="stylesheet">

Then import the PoIconsModule from 'po-icons' to the module you want to use it in(app.module.ts).


Now use <po-icon></po-icon> from any of your module's component.html.

Remember syntax '--theme' after icon name to apply theme.


There are 3 optional attributes to modify po-icon content:

  • color: string; (color style like: '#000')
  • bgColor: string; (color style like: '#000')
  • size: number; (number in pixels. modifies font-size or svg width/height.)

use like following:

<po-icon [color]="#7ed321" [bgColor]="#4a4a4a" [size]="25px">account-login--open-iconic</po-icon>

More details

Do not use for production. This is experimental library.

Better alternatives

  1. Make own svg sprite.
    • Pros: most flexible (modifications, animations, extendability...).
    • Cons: svg may affect performance and svg sprites are supported only by newest browsers
  2. Use material design's non-spec-app (.png)
    • Pros: get all newest icons in use from the material-design page.
    • Cons: png is not flexible.


Git repository for the source-code and demo: https://github.com/polpo93/po-icons