
Recursively looks for references to missing content and images over 500kb on a given site

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pokeNetlify from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/poke-netlify';



npm Build Status JavaScript Style Guide

A simple tool to check your site for broken links, media, iframes, stylesheets, scripts, forms or metadata. Will also test for images over 500kb.


  1. Install it: npm install -g poke-site
  2. Run it: poke <url> where is the base of the site you want to test
  3. Profit
  Usage: poke [options] <url>


    -V, --version             Output the version number
    -r, --retry [value]       Broken links are retried with new hostname
    -s, --shallow             Do not check pages rooted outside of provided url
    -q, --quiet               Supress warnings and loading messages(for ci)
    -m, --method [head|post]  HTTP method used to check links, defaults to head
    --skip-images             Skip the image checks
    -h, --help                output usage information

Sample Output

Sample Output

Usually you should run with the --shallow option, otherwise you might get into checking for broken links in twitter or another external site, which you may not want!
