
Base worker for Pokemon GO

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pokemonBaseWorker from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pokemon-base-worker';


Pokemon GO Worker

This is intended as a service worker that can be spun up to perform actions against the API

First time install for Development

  • Download and install the latest NodeJS
  • Clone the repo
  • Follow the Node Gyp setup guide
  • Install protobuf locally, needs to be >=3.X
  • Run npm install node-gyp -g
  • Run npm install from the repo base directory
  • Run npm run start to start the application
  • Run npm run test to execute unit tests

Editing the configuration options


All development configuration options are controlled from the config.js file, which can be overridden locally by copying and renaming the local file in /config to local.js. All environment variables can be ignored.


Critical non-development configurations are controlled through the system environment variables

Environment Variables

Required variables:


Optional variables:

Name Description
NODE_ENV Environment to run as, defaults to development
USER_EMAIL Email of the user to login with
USER_PASSWORD Password of the user to login with
LOCATION_LAT Latitude coordinates for the location to search
LOCATION_LON Longitude coordinates for the location to search
LOCATION_ALT Altitude in meters for the location to search
ANDROID_ID Android ID to use when authenticating to Google Play Services
SERVICE_ID Service ID to use when authenticating to Google Play Services
CLIENT_SIGNATURE Client signature to use when authenticating to Google Play Services
APP_NAME App name to use when authenticating to Google Play Services
API_URL Initial API endpoint to hit
USER_API_ENDPOINT User's API endpoint to hit
USER_TOKEN User authentication token
USER_TOKEN_EXPIRES epoch time for when the token expires


If you provide both the USER_TOKEN and USER_TOKEN_EXPIRES it will skip the login flow

If you provide the USER_API_ENDPOINT it will skip the endpoint fetch flow

Default location is a McDonald's in Solna, Stockholm