Evaluates a poker hand - can include options such as wild cards or whether Ace can act as a low card
The exposed functions from this library are evaluateHand
which returns a string saying what the hand represents and evaluateAndFindCards.
which will return a string and the cards from the input array which form this hand.
evaluateHand(cards options)
evaluateAndFindCards(cards options)
The arguments to these functions are:
- cards - an array of strings representing the hand. Strings should be a 2 or 3 character string representing the rank and suit (for example, '10S' for 10 of spades or 'QD' for Queen of diamonds). The string can also be 'joker' which represents a wild card (jokers are always wild and need not be specified in the wildCard array)
- options - an array of options for evaluating the hand as noted below
The options structure is composed of the following fields with the following default values:
aceCanBeLow:false, // Whether Ace can be considered a low card in a straight
wildCards:[], // An array of strings representing wild cards.
// This can either be a rank (e.g. '2') to indicate
// all cards of a rank are wild, or specific cards
// (e.g. ['JH', 'JS'] to indicate one-eyed jacks)
cardsToEvaluate:5, // The number of cards to consider when evaluating the hand.
// Ignored if set more than 5 or number of cards in hand
dontAllow:[], // An array of hand types to ignore
// For example, to not consider a straight or flush for
// a 3-card hand, you would set this field to
// ['straight', 'flush', 'straightflush']
minPair:undefined, // A minimal value to consider for a pair
// If there is one pair and it meets or exceeds this
// minimum the return value will be `minpair`
// (e.g. set to 'J' for jacks or better)
The return value is one of the following strings, in order from highest-ranked to lowest-ranked hand:
if minpair option specified and pair meets or exceeds this)nothing
For evaluateHand
this string is the return value. For evaluateAndFindCards,
the return value is a structure with two fields:
match, // One of the above mentioned strings
cards:[], // The cards from the input array that compose this hand
Note that cards will always be the best set of cards which make up this hand. For exapmle, if given a 7-card hand with all spades, it will return the 5 highest-ranked spades in the hand.