
Ensure that a server process gracefully shuts down.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import politely from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/politely';



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Ensure that a server process gracefully shuts down.

When your Node service receives a SIGINT, SIGTERM, SIGQUIT, or SIGHUP signal, politely runs your shutdown routines and waits for them to finish (or timeout) before allowing the process to terminate.



const express = require('express');
const politely = require('politely');
const winston = require('winston');

const logger = winston.createLogger({
  transports: [
    new winston.transports.Console(),

const app = express();
let httpServer;

  services: [
      start() {
        return new Promise(resolve => {
          httpServer = app.listen(8000, resolve);
      stop() {
        return new Promise(resolve => httpServer.close(resolve));
  timeout: 10000,


politely takes a single arguments object:

  • services - An array of objects, each with a start and stop. start should take no arguments and should return a "thenable" (such as a Promise) which resolves when the given services finishes starting (for example, when the callback of a server's listen method is called). stop should take no arguments and should return a "thenable" (such as a Promise) which resolves when the given service finishes stopping (for example, when the callback of a server's close method is called). stop is where graceful shutdown routines, such closing server connections or ensuring that buffers are flushed, should reside.
  • logger (optional) - A object with info, warn, and error methods that accept an argument for a log message string.
  • timeout (optional, default: 30000) - A positive integer, which is the number of milliseconds politely will wait.

politely returns a Promise which resolves when all services are started.


Raymond Lam (ray@lam-ray.com)
