A simple way to implement a polling mechanism that triggers a webhook in response.
- cron expression config
- location: config/default.json
- content:
"job": {
"cron": "* * * * *"
- callbacks to evaluate the response from the polling
const evaluteTrue = function(response){
console.log("positive evaluation");
return true;
const evaluteFalse = function(response){
console.log("negative evaluation");
return false;
- request-promise options that will be used for the polling and for the webhook response
const options = {uri:'', method: 'GET'};
const webhookOptions = {uri:'http://localhost:8000/', method: 'GET'};
- simple use case of polling-2-webhook
const pollingManager = require('polling-to-webhook');
pollingManager.registerPolling('key1', options, webhookOptions, evaluteTrue);
pollingManager.registerPolling('key2', options, webhookOptions, evaluteTrue);
pollingManager.registerPolling('key3', options, webhookOptions, evaluteTrue);
pollingManager.registerPolling('key4', options, webhookOptions, evaluteFalse);
- If you need to refresh tokens or headers, just register a new object with the same key of the object you wish to update.