
mock objects generator

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import polymock from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/polymock';


[DISCONTINUED] polymock Build Status

mock objects generator


npm install polymock


var PolyMock = require('polymock');

var mock = PolyMock.create();

mock.createMethod('foo', 1, { callbackArgs: [ 2 ] });

mock.createProperty('bar', 5);

// x === 1
var x = mock.object.foo('x', function myCallback(val) {
    //val === 2
// mock.invocations[0].method === 'foo';
// mock.invocations[0].arguments === ['x', myCallback];

console.log(mock.object.bar); // prints 5
// mock.invocations[1].property === 'bar';
// mock.invocations[1].operation === 'get';
// mock.invocations[1].value === 5;

mock.object.bar = 2;
// mock.invocations[2].property === 'bar';
// mock.invocations[2].operation === 'set';
// mock.invocations[2].value === 2;


PolyMock.ctor(Fn, args)

constructs a polymock

Fn - use this prototype for the mock object instead of a javascript object ({})

args - if the above prototype needs arguments in its "new" clause this is how to supply them

PolyMock.prototype.createMethod = function(method, returnValue, options)

method - name of the method to create

returnValue - anything is permitted here.

    // will return 5 will mock.object.foo() is invoked
    mock.createMethod('foo', 5);

    // will return the result of invoking the dynamicValue function with scope mock.object
    mock.createMethod('foo', 'dontcare', { dynamicValue: function(a) { return 2 * a; } });

When dynamic value is provided in the options the return value is ignored


        invokeCallback: true, // automatically invoke the last argument if its a function, defaults to true
        callbackArgs: [1, 2] // arguments to use in callback

PolyMock.prototype.createProperty = function(name, initialValue, options)

name - name of the property


        initialValue: 9

can also override enumerable and configurable options of Object.defineProperty (but not get/set) using these options

PolyMock.create(Fn, args)

Fn - see Ctor()

Args - see Ctor()


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.

Release History

22.12.2013 - initial release


Copyright (c) 2013 Yaniv Kessler. Licensed under the MIT license.