
Plugin for buildig polymer project

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import polytempl from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/polytempl';



Simple plugin to create basic template for Polymer elements and build separate element files into one html file


npm install polytempl --save-dev

Template generator

You can use polytempl to create basic template for Polymer elements.

polytempl create <element_name> [options]

If no option provided this command will create directory and html file named <element_name> representing basic polymer element template.


  • -h|--help: print help information
  • --path: path to directory in which you want to create template (process.cwd() by default)
  • -j|--script: export script to separate js file, replace script tag with <!-- inject scripts './<element_name>.js' -->
  • -s|--styles: export styles to separate css file, replace script tag with <!-- inject styles './<element_name>.css' -->. You can set this option to scss|less if you want to use preprocessors(css by default).
  • -i|--imports: add <!-- import [polymer]--> line to html template file to use it in polytempl builder


polytempl create new-element ./my-elements -ijs scss

will create new-element directory in ./my-elements with files new-element.html, new-element.js, new-element.scss including basic template code.


'use strict';

    is: 'new-element'


<!-- import [polymer]-->

<dom-module id="new-element">
        <!-- inject styles './new-element.scss'-->


    <!-- inject script './new-element.js'-->


:host {
    position: relative;
    display: block;

Polytempl builder

Styles and scripts

Polytempl builder will replace <!-- inject styles 'path_to_your_file'--> and <!-- inject script 'path_to_your_file'--> with <style>**file content**</style> or <style>**file content**</style> tag. Path must be relative to html file.


Polytempl helps you to manage your imports. For example if you have following structure:

|- my-elements/
    |- first/
        |- element_1/
        |- element_2/
    |- second/
        |- element_3/
        |- element_4/
        |- another/
            |- element_5/
|- bower_components/

you can type <!-- import [polymer, element_3, element_5, element_1, iron-icons]--> and polytempl will resolve all paths and replace this with <link rel="import" href="resolved_path">


var gulp = require('gulp');
var polytempl = require('polytempl');

gulp.task('build', function () {
  return gulp.src('./my-elements/**/*.html')
    .pipe(polytempl([process.cwd() + '/bower_components/']))

Polytempl will register all elements that you browse in gulp.src. You can pass in additional array of paths to options. If element that you try to import is not registered, polytempl will try to get it from additional_path/element_name/element_name.html. You can also specify more complex element name for additional paths.

For example you set ['/bower_components'] as additional path and want to import <!--import [neon-animation]--> element. Polytempl will try to get that element from /bower_components/neon-animation/neon-animation.html. If directory and file names aren't equal you can specify complex element name <!--import [app-route/app-location]--> and polytempl try to get that element from /bower_components/app-route/app-location.html.