
Pool objects with this simple library

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import poolf from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/poolf';



Pool objects with this simple library

yarn install poolf


import Pool from 'poolf';

let myPool = new Pool(() => new MyObject());

let newItem = myPool.acquire(item => item.onInit());



new Pool(makeItem, opts) makeItem is a function that returns the object to create as new. It takes an id argument that's the assigned id of the new object.

Optional constructor options are:

    name: 'poolname', // give a name for debugging purposes
    warnLeak: 100 // warn after 100 allocations

pool.alives() return alive object count.

pool.total() return total object count alive and dead.

pool.toString() return a pretty formatted string

pool.acquire(onInit) acquire a new item from the pool, reusing a dead one or creating a new one. Takes an optional onInit function that is called with the newly acquired item.

pool.acquireLimit(onInit, limit) acquire limit number of items at once.

pool.release(item) release an item.

pool.releaseAll() release all items.

pool.releaseIf(p, onRelease) release all items where the given predicate p is true. Predicate p is called with each item and returns a boolean. onRelease is called with the released items as argument.

pool.reduce(f) reduce alive items.

pool.map(f) map each alive item.

pool.flatMap(f) flatMap each alive item.

pool.each(f) call function f with each alive item passed as argument.

pool.find(p) find an item where predicate p is true.

pool.filter(p) filter items with predicate p.