
Node package to simplify the use of the Postcoder API from Allies, which offers several UK geocoding API endpoints.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import postcoderGeocoding from '';


Postcoder geocoding

Simple node wrapper for geocoding endpoints of the Postcoder API from Allies.

Find out more about the geocoding API and sign up for a trial to get an API key

The API allows searching for forward and reverse UK geocoding. Note: This is a paid for API

For full developer documentation


npm install postcoder-geocoding

Basic usage

const geocoding = require('postcoder-geocoding');

geocoding.init('[YOUR API KEY HERE]');

geocoding.geoFromPostcode('NR14 7PZ', (result, error) => {

    if (error) {
    } else {
        // returns an array of locations containing latitude and longitude


Also returns OS Eastings and Northings.

Return street level data as well as latitude and longitude

const geocoding = require('postcoder-geocoding');

geocoding.init('[YOUR API KEY HERE]');

geocoding.searchStreetGeo('NR14 7PZ', (result, error) => {

    if (error) {
    } else {
        // returns an array of locations containing street level data,
        // latitude and longitude


Returns street name, county name and more alongside the same fields as the geoFromPostcode method, full list of fields

Reverse geocoding (street level data)

const geocoding = require('postcoder-geocoding');

geocoding.init('[YOUR API KEY HERE]');

// Passing in latitude, longitude and radius (metres)
  (result, error) => {

    if (error) {
    } else {
        // returns an array of locations containing street level data,
        // latitude and longitude


Check status of your API key

Returns an object with information about number of credits on your account and more

Full list of fields returned

const geocoding = require('postcoder-geocoding');

geocoding.init('[YOUR API KEY HERE]');

geocoding.checkStatus((result, error) => {

    if (error) {
    } else {
        // returns an object with information about number of
        // credits on your account and more


Note about support

This is a community supported package, maintained by Stephen Keable