
PostCSS plugin that removes unused CSS styles

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import postcssCherrypicker from '';


PostCSS Cherrypicker Build Status

PostCSS plugin to reduce the size of CSS files by removing unused styles from them.


Install it using npm or Yarn.

npm install postcss-cherrypicker

yarn add postcss-cherrypicker


Cherrypicker works by checking every CSS selector against your markup and removing any that don't match anything.

Here is an example configuration:

            files: [
                "src/index.html",           // single file
                "src/pages/**/*.html",      // glob with html files
                "src/more-pages",           // directory
                "src/jsx/*.js",             // glob with js files
                "src/vue/*.vue",            // glob with vue files
                    path: "src/js/*.js",    // glob
                    contains: true          // in contains mode

See PostCSS docs for examples on how to configure your environment.

You must provide an options object to the plugin containing a files array of all of the markup files you would like to compare your CSS against. Internally, Globby is used so you can use files, directories, or globs. As shown above, you can use a string or an object with a path field to represent a file set.

The file will be parsed differently depending on the extension.

|Extension|Parsing| |-|-| |html|The entire file is parsed| |vue|The template section of the single file component is parsed| |js|The file is scanned for JSX which is then converted to HTML and parsed|

If you're using an object to specify a file path, and you set the contains field to true, Cherrypicker won't parse your file and will instead check if it contains the class name, id, or tag name. This can be helpful when adding classes with element.classList.add(...) or with frameworks that use a virtual DOM and require calls to createElement or h.