
PostCSS plugin color variable

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import postcssColorVariable from '';


PostCSS Color Variable


[PostCSS] plugin color variable. Auto replace color value with corresponding variable name. Now support Less and Sass

Define color variable name file:

@link-color: #0a1;


.foo {
    color: #0a1;
    background: rgb(170, 170, 170);
    border: 1px solid rgba(170, 170, 170, 0.1);


.foo {
  color: @link-color;
  background: @link-color;
  border: 1px solid fade(@link-color, 10%);


Create file .colorvarrc.json in project.

  "variableFiles": ["./src/color.less"], // define color variable file path
  "syntax": "less", // syntax,support less, sass. default is less
  "autoImport": "true", // if auto import variable file
  "alias": {
    "@": "./src" // equal webpack alias
  "usingAlias": "@", // when auto import variable file, using alias. for example @import '~@/src/color.less'
  "singleQuote": false, // auto import if using single quote. default is false



# install plugin
npm install postcss-color-variable --save-dev
# auto replace by cli
./node_modules/.bin/postcss-color-variable src/index.less

# set syntax by --syntax
./node_modules/.bin/postcss-color-variable src/index.scss --syntax scss

VSCode Extension

Use in WebStorm

WebStorm replace Less file

  1. Install plugin: npm install postcss-color-variable --save-dev
  2. Open Preferences -> File Watchers -> Add
  3. Settings
  • Name: Color Variable Less
  • File type: Less Style Sheet
  • Program: $ProjectFileDir$/node_modules/.bin/postcss-color-variable
  • Arguments: $FilePathRelativeToProjectRoot$
  • Output paths to refresh: $FilePathRelativeToProjectRoot$
  • Working Directory: $ProjectFileDir$
  • set Auto-save edited files to trigger watcher unchecked
  • set Trigger The watcher on external changes unchecked

WebStorm replace Sass file

  1. Install plugin: npm install postcss-color-variable --save-dev
  2. Open Preferences -> File Watchers -> Add
  3. Settings
  • Name: Color Variable Sass
  • File type: Sass Style Sheet
  • Program: $ProjectFileDir$/node_modules/.bin/postcss-color-variable
  • Arguments: $FilePathRelativeToProjectRoot$
  • Output paths to refresh: $FilePathRelativeToProjectRoot$
  • Working Directory: $ProjectFileDir$
  • set Auto-save edited files to trigger watcher unchecked
  • set Trigger The watcher on external changes unchecked