
Pseudo element separator, PostCSS plugin

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import postcssPseudorator from '';


PostCSS Pseudorator

Pseudo element separator, PostCSS plugin.

If part of comma-separated list of selectors contains unknown pseudo element, browser will ignore the whole block, including parts it could use.

For example

.block:focus-within {
    background: yellow;

is completely ignored by IE and Edge(EdgeHTML) for

<div class="highlight">Important information</div>

To work arount the problem, selector should be separated into two parts, so that browser can pick up one and ignore another:

.highlight {
    background: yellow;
.block:focus-within {
    background: yellow;

and this is what Pseudorator does for you.

Please note that Pseudorator is not a polyfill for unknown pseudo element.


npm install postcss-pseudorator --save-dev


Check you project for existed PostCSS config: postcss.config.js in the project root, "postcss" section in package.json or postcss in bundle config.

Add the plugin to your PostCSS pipeline, in relatively early stage. Just before autoprefixer should be a nice place.

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
+   require('postcss-pseudorator')(...),

If you do not use PostCSS, add it according to official docs and set this plugin in settings.


  • separate: array of pseudo elements which should be separated from others. For example: [":focus-within", ":dir"].
  • debug: boolean. Print out all separated selectors. Default false.