
Override some of PostgraPhile's core inflectors with Artetecha's own favourite inflection rules.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import postgraphileArtetechaInflector from '';



Override some of PostgraPhile's core inflectors with Artetecha's own favourite inflection rules.

Core inflection rules


Given a type, e.g. Metadatum:

  • Core allRows would be allMetadata
  • Artetecha's is metadataConnection


Given a type, e.g. Metadatum:

  • Core allRowsSimple would be allMetadataList
  • Artetecha's is metadata


Given a type Author with a 1:1 relationship to Metadatum on some id field

  • Core would create a field metadatumByAuthorId field on Author
  • Artetecha would simply create a field metadatum


Given a type Author with a 1:1 relationship to Metadatum on some id field

  • Core would create a field authorByAuthorId field on Metadatum
  • Artetecha would simply create a field author


Given a type Author with a 1:N relationship to Metadata on some id field

  • Core would create a field metadataByAuthorId field on Author
  • Artetecha would simply create a field metadataConnection


Given a type Author with a 1:N relationship to Metadata on some id field

  • Core would create a field metadataByAuthorIdList field on Author
  • Artetecha would simply create a field metadata

Third-party inflection rules


This is implemented by postgraphile-plugin-nested-mutations.

Given a type Author with a 1:N relationship to Metadata on some id field

  • The plugin would create a field authorToAuthorId field on the mutation createMetadatum
  • The plugin would also create a field metadataUsingId field on the mutation createAuthor
  • Artetecha would simply create a field author in the first case and a field metadata in the second