
Premailer is a JavaScript library which reads a HTML document, creates a tree data structure to represent the DOM and "inlines" any extracted CSS rules found in the file. © 2020 Maria Koudounakou • Code on < >

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import premailer from '';



The following is a guide to 'Premailer', developed by Maria Koudounakou.


Type the following into command line: > npm install premailer


Example 'index.js': const Premailer = require('premailer');


Example 'index.js': const premailer = new Premailer('./example/input.html', './example/output/', { makeLogFiles: true }); premailer.premailMyEmail();


File structure created: ./example/output/premailer-log-files/ ./example/output/premailer-log-files/premailer-node-tree-creation-log.txt ./example/output/premailer-log-files/premailer-result-log.html ./example/output/premailer-log-files/premailer-result-UI.html ./example/output/premailer-result-file.html


Premailer takes three arguments in its constructor: - dirInputFile: (typeof String) the relative path of the HTML file you wish to convert. - dirOutputFile: (typeof String) the relative path of the directory you wish Premailer to write the output file(s) to. - premailerOptions: (typeof Object) Optional Argument with properties to customise how Premailer operates.

To begin premailing, you need only call the class method 'premailMyEmail()' for your instance of Premailer.

Valid 'premailerOptions' Object Properties (typeof Boolean) are listed below: - makeXHTMLcompatible: Conforms all self-closing tags to the format for compatibility with XHTML applications. - makeLogFiles: In addition to the default output file, Premailer will create further log files showing your file at various conversion stages.


Premailer is a JavaScript library which: 1. reads a HTML document 2. creates a tree data structure to represent the DOM 3. "inlines" any extracted CSS rules found in the file

The code can be found at: The package is published to:

Keywords: "Premailer", "Inline", "CSS", "Outlook", "Compatible", "Email", "HTML", "File", "Conversion", "Mail", "Styles", "Inliner".

© 2020 Maria Koudounakou, All rights reserved.