
QCObjects Handler for Mockup Backend Services

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import qcobjectsHandlerMockup from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/qcobjects-handler-mockup';


QCObjects Handler for Mockup Backend Services

QCObjects Handler for Mockup requests. This handler will allow to handle Mockup urls like https://example.com/rest/mockup and get a fake or dummy response in JSON format


  1. Install this dependency in your project using npm
npm i --save qcobjects-handler-mockup
  1. In your config.json file, create the following paths
  "backend": {
    "routes": [
        "name": "Mockup Url",
        "description": "Get a fake JSON response from a mockup url",
        "path": "^/rest/mockupquot;,
        "microservice": "com.qcobjects.backend.microservice.mockup",
        "supported_methods": ["POST"],
        "responseHeaders": {
          "Content-Type": "application/json"
        "response": {
          "access_token": "a1b2c3d4e5",
          "expires_in": 3600,
          "token_type": "Bearer"

The contents of response is a dynamic object, you can specify any property here or even use a meta processor.

  1. Start the QCObjects HTTP2 Server
  1. Visit https://example.com/openapi.json to view the result