
Cmd-Tool to run any node.js task anywhere

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ran from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ran';



Cmd-Tool to run any node.js task anywhere

$ npm install --global ran

ran helps you run modules via node,
but enables a global "task-store".
And its own builtin commands were implemented
as separated "task-modules".

$ ran <module> [arg1] [arg2] [..argn]

Normal Tasks

$ ran D:\dev\ran\examples\helloworld arg1 arg2
# (leading "./" for a relative module)
$ ran ./examples/helloworld arg1 arg2

Gloabl Tasks

# (should config for the first time)
$ ran --config globaldir "D:\mytasks"
# (no leading "./" for a gloabl module)
$ ran net/static-server ./ 3000

Built-in Tasks

$ ran --help
$ ran --version
$ ran --config <key> <value>
  • --help (alias: -h)
  • --version (alias: -v)
  • --config (alias: -c)


$ ran --config globaldir "D:\mytasks"
  • globaldir: cantains global tasks