
Checks if one range is entirely contained within another range, i.e. equals to it or is contained within it.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import rangeWithin from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/range-within';


range-within - Check that one range is entirely contained within another range

Checks that one range of numbers, like [1, 5] is enirely contained within another range of numbers, like [0, 10].


The function takes two arguments, each of which is an object containing the start and end properties, which must be numbers.

The order of the ranges doesn't matter; you can put the larger or the shorter range first.

const within = require('range-within');

let range1 = {start: 1, end: 10};
let range2 = {start: 5, end: 10};

let result = within(range1, range2); // returns true