
Amazing react drop zone for loading files. Also basic input throw button is available.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactDropZoneResponsive from '';


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React Drop Zone Responsive

licensenpm latest package

This is my very first npm package, so if you have any issue or suggestion let me know it on the github section: "issues".


Amazing React drop zone component for loading and validating input files.



Main Features:

  • Basic input button is included.
  • Free handling: You are free to handle the loaded files because this component returns an array of files each of them has 2 properties (the own file and an array of errors according to the limits you set).
  • Usable: It will fit the parent container. So make sure you git it an appropiate container.
  • Customizable: you can change the theme color to combine correctly with the rest of the page.
  • Localization: English and Spanish versions.
  • File reading: (csv, txt, json, xlsx): *soon*in future releases*


React-drop-zone-responsive is available as an npm package.

// with npm
npm i react-drop-zone-responsive

Usage (example)

Here is an example to get you started, it's all you need:

In this exaple we are telling the drop zone:

  • to admit up to 4 files (if you pick more it will take the first 4 files).
  • to admit files size up to 50 mb.
  • to admit fies with extensions "json", "exe", "pdf", "png"
  • to admit files wich mimetype is included in the list: "application/json", "image/png"


You can style the component giving the color theme and a nice background image got from internet.

  • themeColor: #ff5733
  • backgroundImage: "*wPqqYFfNreXF4INrNhYkeQ.jpeg"

You can also style the text ( in this example I am using fonts from Google fonts). It is necessary to add the corresponding link tag on the index.html file.

Edit Button

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <link rel="preconnect" href="" />

// App.jsx
import "./styles.css";
import { DropZone } from "react-drop-zone-responsive";
import { useState } from "react";

const useLimits = {
  extensions: ["json", "pdf", "png"], //admited extensions
  mimeType: ["application/json", "application/pdf", "image/png"], //admited mymetypes
  maxSize: 50 // MB
//font family got from google fonts:
const useDropZoneStyles = {
  //themeColor: "teal",
  //theme color: could also be "rgb: rgb(255,254,45)", "hex: #0000ff"
  // themeColor: "#0000ff",
  themeColor: "RgB(200,45,28)",
  mainTextStyle: {
    fontFamily: "",
    color: "",
    fontSize: ""
  bottonTextStyle: {
    fontFamily: "",
    color: "",
    fontSize: ""
  //backgroundColor: "#013e62"

const numberOfFiles = 4;

const App = (props) => {
  const [fileListCheck, setFileListCheck] = useState([]);
  const [fileListError, setFileListError] = useState([]);
  const handleFileSelect = (files) => {
    let filesCheck = [];
    let filesError = [];
    files.forEach((f) => {
      if (f.errors.length > 0) {
        f.errors.forEach((element, index) => {
          console.log(`${}: Error ${index}: ${element}`);
      } else {
  return (
    <div className="App">
      <h1 style={useDropZoneStyles.mainTextStyle}>
        Wellcome to React Drop Zone Responsive on CodeSandbox
      <h2>Start editing to see some magic happen!</h2>
      <p>Component in construction BTW</p>


      <h3>{`List of files without errors (${fileListCheck.length})`}</h3>
        {, index) => (
          <ul key={index}>{}</ul>
      <h3>{`List of files with errors (${fileListError.length})`}</h3>
        {, index) => (
          <ul key={index}>{}</ul>
      <h2>Also check the console to see the errors, if any</h2>
export default App;

Yes, it's really all you need to get started as you can see in this live and interactive demo:

Edit Button

Props (all are optional)

| Name | Description | Default | | - | - | - | | style | Object that contains the main styles for the component. | {themeColor:#ff6c37,backgroundImage:""} | | limits | Object that contains the criteria to validate files that we want to load and files we don't. | undefined: allows any kind of file | | amountOfFiles | The number of files to consider. | 10 | | handleFileSelect | The handler function when files are droped or selected. This function receives the list of files after validation. | undefined | | localization | The corresponding translation for languages.
Supporting now English en-EN and Spanish es-ES. | en-EN: by default |

  • themeColor?: Main color for borders and button theme color.
  • mainTextStyle? and bottonTextStyle?: Styles for labels on the top and botton.
    • fontFamily?: string;
    • color?: string;
    • fontSize?: string | number;
  • backgroundImage?: An url to an image on internet to fit the background of the drop zone.
  • backgroundColor?: The background color, by default is white.


  • extensions?: a string array of extensions
  • mimeType?: a string array of mimetypes
  • maxSize?: maximun size in megabytes per file.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.