
React component that allows users to select text and highlight it in whichever color they choose.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactHighlightColors from '';




React component that allows users to select text and highlight it in whichever color they choose. Uses juliankrispel's Selection Popover.


npm install react-highlight-colors


Importing Component

import Highlighter from 'react-hightlight-colors'

Simplest Usage

The simplest way of getting started is by just including the component with text you want to make highlightable.

<Highlighter text={yourText} />

Exporting Highlighted Text

If you wanna store the highlighted data you must pass in a callback function to the export prop.

Here is one way of using the export prop:

<Highlighter text={yourText} export={(highlightedText) => {
    exportedText: highlightedText
}} />

Importing Highlighted Text

Once you have exported your text and want to import it back to your Highlighter component, just set the import prop to True.



In order to choose colors for the highlighter component you must pass in a list of color strings in one of the following formats:


Color List

Here is an example of how you can pass in a list of colors.

const chosenColors = [
<Highlighter text={yourText} colors={chosenColors} />

This is the result of the code above.

Unlabeled Colors

Labeled Colors

You can add labels to your colors, by modifying the list of colors and adding the label after each color in its own list.

Here is an example of a color list with labels:

const labeledColors = [
  ['#B80000', 'Label 1'], 
  ['#DB3E00',  'Label 2'],
  ['#008B02'  'Label 3'],
  ['#FC0', 'Label 4'],
  ['rgb(109,163,182)', 'Label 5'],
<Highlighter text={yourText} colors={labeledColors} />


Labeled Colors


| Property | Type | Is Required | Default Value | Description | | - | - | - | - | - | | text | PropTypes.string | required | n/a | The text that will be highlightable. | | style | PropTypes.object | optional | null | CSS style applied to text. | | colors | PropTypes.array | optional | ['#B80000', '#DB3E00', '#FCCB00', '#008B02', '#006B76', '#1273DE', '#004DCF', '#5300EB', '#EB9694', '#FAD0C3', '#FEF3BD', '#C1E1C5', '#BEDADC', '#C4DEF6', '#BED3F3', '#D4C4FB'] | Color options for the highlighter. | | export | PropTypes.func | optional | null | Callback function that passes the exported format of the text. Callback is called each time text is highlighted. | | import | PropTypes.bool | optional | false | Boolean variable which determines if the text being passed in is imported. Text must be exported before being able to import it. | | cols | PropTypes.number | optional | 8 | Number of columns of colors per row in color popover. |


MIT © Jonathan