React Text Highlighter Plugin
The plugin takes a seach parameter as its input and highlights it in the containing html.
List of functionalities supported:
- Accepts string\array of strings or regex as search parameters.
- Can have custom classes for highlighted elements as well as plain elements.
- Can have custom wrapper elements for highlighted and normal words.
- Support HTML nodes or React Components(only which have dom elements as children) as children.
- Supports both global and first occurence search.
For basic usage pass in a search parameter.
<TextHighlighter search="hello">Hello I am a basic example</TextHighlighter>
Above code will highlight the word hello
in the contained text.
You can pass in your jsx inside the component as well. The plugin will parse and highlight all the ocurrences by default.
<TextHighlighter search="test">
<p>This is a test paragraph.</p>
<label>This is a test label 1</label>
<label>This is a test label 2</label>
You can also pass your react component as a child. But your component should have all of its JSX (which is rendered) as its children. For example
<TextHighlighter search="component">
<span>This is my component</span>
This is because of the fact that parent would not know about any jsx inside child unless it is passed as child component's children. You can read more about this here.
Other expamples
* *Passing multiple search parameters*
You can customise by passing in multiple search parameters or a regex.
<TextHighlighter search={["test", "heading"]}>
<p>This is a test heading.</p>
<label>This is a test label 1</label>
<label>This is a test label 2</label>
Or a regex.
<TextHighlighter search={/[a-dA-d]/}>
<p>This is a test heading.</p>
<label>This is a test label 1</label>
<label>This is a test label 2</label>
<TextHighlighter search={/[a-dA-d]/}>
<p>This is a test heading.</p>
<label>This is a test label 1</label>
<label>This is a test label 2</label>
- Custom styling for highlighted words
You can change the styling of you highlighted texts by passing in cutom classes.
<TextHighlighter search="hello" highlightClass="mycustomclass">Hello I am a basic example</TextHighlighter>
You can explore more options in Props & Methods section above.