React hooks binding is manage states and context like redux just more simple.
Binding to relative DataContext.
Binding to global DataContext.
Binding Source - default is the relative DataContext, which can be Binding or DataContext.
Binding contextKey - set the source to global DataContext by key value.
Binding Mode - three modes for binding oneWay, twoWay, oneWayToSource.
Binding Path - the path to the binding source property.
Binding convert - way to adjust the real value.
Binding convertBack - way to convert back to real value.
MultiBinding - from multiple sources to one value.
Typescript definitions
npm install react-hooks-binding --save
Basic Usage
Wrap your form with DataContext and then useBinding in every place you need to get or set value from DataContext.
import { DataContextProvider } from 'react-hooks-binding';
payment: {
cardNumber: '',
expiry: '',
cardCode: ''
<PaymentView />
export default function PaymentView() {
return (
<CardNumber />
<CardExpiry />
<CardCode />
import { useBinding, BindingMode } from 'react-hooks-binding/build';
export default function CardNumber() {
let cardNumberBinding = useBinding({
path: 'payment.cardNumber',
mode: BindingMode.twoWay,
convert: value => {
let formated = payment.fns.formatCardNumber(value);
return formated;
convertBack: (source, value) => {
let cardNumber = string(value).replaceAll(' ', '').s;
return cardNumber;
return (
onChangeText={rawCardNumber => {