
A react mixin that will update the components state on mouse hover. Designed for tooltips, popovers, and dropdowns.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactHoverMixin from '';



A react mixin that will update the components state on mouse hover. Designed for tooltips, popovers, and dropdowns.

var HoverMixin = require("react-hover-mixin");
... React.createClass({
  mixins: [HoverMixin],
  render: function(){
    return React.createElement("div", null,

      React.createElement("b", {
          onMouseEnter: this.hoverable_onMouseEnter,
          onMouseLeave: this.hoverable_onMouseLeave,
        "[hover over me]"

      this.state.hover ? "I'm being hovered over!" : null



$ git clone
$ cd react-hover-mixin/
$ npm i
$ npm start

Then it will tell you which port it's hosted on so you can open it in your browser.



true or false depending on if it's currently being hovered over.

this.hoverable_onMouseEnter | this.hoverable_onMouseLeave

These are event handlers provided by the mixin. Simply attach them to the element you wish to observe the hover state of.

For example:

React.createElement("div", {
    onMouseEnter: this.hoverable_onMouseEnter,
    onMouseLeave: this.hoverable_onMouseLeave

child method: hoverable_onUserLeftHoverable()

This is called when the component is not hovered over anymore. (after a 500ms wait to ensure the user isn't going to just hover right over it again)

ref: "hoverable"

Set the ref to "hoverable" on the element if you want to get it's top and left position.

For example:

React.createElement("div", {
    ref: "hoverable",
    onMouseEnter: this.hoverable_onMouseEnter,
    onMouseLeave: this.hoverable_onMouseLeave

this.state.hoverable_top | this.state.hoverable_left

The top and left position of the "hoverable" element. These are handy when trying to absolute position a tooltip or dropdown.


Set this to true if your hoverable is not relative to the parent node.

var HoverMixin = require("react-hover-mixin");
... React.createClass({
  mixins: [HoverMixin],

  hoverable_not_relative_to_parent_bounding_rect: true,

  render: function(){


$ npm install --save react-hover-mixin


This project follows semantic versioning for releases.
