
Internationalise your app, extending config or factory new internationalised components.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactI18nBase from '';



Internationalise your app, extending config or factory new internationalised components.

NPM NPM Build Status


Current core dependencies versions

  • node: ^8.10.0 || ^9.10.0
  • yarn (version may be check at package.json)

Peer dependencies

"prop-types": "^15.7.2",
"react": "^16.8.4",
"uuid": "^3.3.2"

Getting started

Internationalise your app by creating your locale file. Use the localise function to convert your component to localised one and, then, wrap your app with the I18nProvider.

npm install react-i18n-base
yarn add react-i18n-base

Dev code

The new version of react-i18n-base brings a extra feature. So, localised components now will receive a component I18nTranslate capable of translate content given path and modifiers. Thus, the library still retro compatible.

The difference can be seen with the following Greeting component.

Old way to translate content


// Creating LocalisedComponent
import { localise, decorate } from 'react-i18n-base';

const Italic = ({ children }) => <i>{children}</i>;

const localeGreeting = {
  en: {
    greeting: 'Hi Guest!',
    message: decorate('You are <0>so</0> <1>Awesome</1>!'),
  pt: {
    greeting: 'Oi Convidado!',
    message: decorate('<1>Você é</1> <0>tão</0> Fantástico!'),

const Greeting = localise(localeGreeting)(({ i18n }) => (
    <div>{i18n.message('strong', Italic)}</div>

New way to translate content


// Creating LocalisedComponent
import { localise, decorate } from 'react-i18n-base';

const Italic = ({ children }) => <i>{children}</i>;

const localeGreeting = {
  en: {
    greeting: 'Hi Guest!',
    message: decorate('You are <0>so</0> <1>Awesome</1>!'),
  pt: {
    greeting: 'Oi Convidado!',
    message: decorate('<1>Você é</1> <0>tão</0> Fantástico!'),

const Greeting = localise(localeGreeting)(({ I18nTranslate }) => (
      <I18nTranslate path="greeting" />
      <I18nTranslate modifiers={['strong', Italic]} path="message" />


const localeLabel = {
  en: {
    title: 'Creating label',
    description: 'Description',
    color: 'Color',
    message: {
      error: decorate('<0>Error</0>: label has not been created successfully.'),
      success: decorate('<0>Success</0>: label has been created successfully!'),
    button: 'Save',
  pt: {
    title: 'Criando label',
    description: 'Descrição',
    color: 'Cor',
    message: {
      error: decorate('<0>Erro</0>: label não foi criado com <1>sucesso</1>.'),
      success: decorate('<0>Sucesso</0>: label foi criado com <1>sucesso</1>!'),
    button: 'Gravar',
const LabelForm = localise(localeLabel)(({ I18nTranslate, isError, isSuccess }) => (
      <I18nTranslate path="title" />
        <I18nTranslate path="description" />
      <input type="text" />
        <I18nTranslate path="color" />
      <input type="text" />
      {isError && (
          <I18nTranslate modifiers={[Italic, 'b']} path="message.error" />
      {isSuccess && (
          <I18nTranslate modifiers={[Italic, 'b']} path="message.success" />
      <button type="submit">
        <I18nTranslate path="button" />


// Initialising the app
import { I18nProvider } from 'react-i18n-base';

const App = () => (
    {/* If only defaultLanguage is set, then, initialLanguage will be the defaultLanguage value  */}
    <I18nProvider defaultLanguage="en">
      <Greeting /> {/* it will get the correct i18n object */}
      <LabelForm isError />
      <LabelForm isSuccess />
    // The elements below will always display in portuguese, unless
    // you have internal components change the provider value
    <I18nProvider defaultLanguage="en" initialLanguage="pt">
      <Greeting /> {/* it will get the correct i18n object */}
      <LabelForm isError />
      <LabelForm isSuccess />

Features from version ^3.0.0

  • Added methods to localised components
    • extend and factory
    • extend: change globally the localisation json data for a specific component
    • factory: creates new localised component with extension of localisation json data


import { localise } from 'react-i18n-base';

const Greeting = ({ name, i18n }) => (
    {i18n.greeting} {name}!
const jsonData = {
  en: { greeting: 'Mr/Mrs' },
const LocalisedGreeting = localise(jsonData)(Greeting);
// The code below extend the localisation to all`LocalisedGreeting` instances
  pt: { greeting: 'Sr/Sra' },

// The code below creates a new component localised based on existing one not affecting the other `LocalisedGreeting` instances
const NewSupportLocalisedGreeting = LocalisedGreeting.factory({
  es: { greeting: 'Sr/Sra' },

Contributions rules

  • Changes must be approved;
  • Changes must have tests passing on Travis-CI;
  • Changes must have coverage of 95% on Travis-CI for: statements, branches, functions and lines;
  • Last commit message must have attribute [release=major|minor|patch|no-release];