
A JSON editor built with React

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactJsontreeEditor from '';



A JSON tree dnd editor built with React


Using npm:

$ npm install --save react-jsontree-editor

Using yarn:

$ yarn add react-jsontree-editor

Then with a module bundler like webpack, use as you would anything else:

// Using ES6 Modules
import { Editor } from "react-jsontree-editor"
// using CommonJS modules
const Editor = require("react-jsontree-editor").Editor


The assumed tree structure looks like this:

  • id is required for the React key
  • items is an array of children

Any other properties are preserved, but ignored. Example:

const data = {
  id: "1",
  label: "hello world",
  items: [
      id: "1-1",
      label: "First",
      items: [
          label: "First-Second"
      id: "1-2",
      label: "Second",
      items: [
          label: "Second-Second"
      id: "1-3",
      label: "Third",
      items: [
          label: "Third-Second"


import { Editor } from "react-jsontree-editor"

function Basic() {
  const [node, onChange] = React.useState()
  return <Editor node={node} onChange={onChange} renderNode={renderNode} />

With history

function History() {
  const [node, { onChange, onUndo, onRedo }] = useHistory(data)
  return (
      <button onClick={onUndo}>Undo</button>
      <button onClick={onRedo}>Redo</button>
      <Editor node={node} onChange={onChange} renderNode={renderNode} />


  1. Clone the repository

  2. Install dependencies npm|yarn install

  3. Build and watch for changes npm|yarn run watch

  4. Fire up storybook npm|yarn run storybook


React JSON Tree Editor is built and maintained by babangsund.