
A tiny, happy lazy loader for React.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactLoadit from '';


React LoadIt

Simple, tiny React component lazy-loader. Splits your React app at defined points at the component-level, so there's no unnecessary code delivered.

Published from a part of a private project I wrote. Thought I'd share it with you.

PS - If you're looking for a full-on, feature-rich version, I would use react-loadable.


yarn add react-loadit

  • The build is CommonJS and works also with import/export using Babel.


Example of conditionally loading inside a modal.

  {this.state.clicked && (
      <LoadIt {...otherProps} load={() => import('./OtherComponent')} />

Webpack ideal setup

// webpack.config.js

// ...

// for dynamic imports this takes care of
// grouping loaded chunks, to load only *once*
// NOTE: Webpack 4 might negate the need for this
new CommonsChunkPlugin({
  minChunks: 2,
  children: true,
  deepChildren: true,
  async: true,

// ...


Run yarn && yarn start from a directory inside ./examples.

Dependencies: You'll need to install create-react-app globally.



func|arr, required

  • Default export: () => import(...)
  • Named (single) export: [() => import('./Exported'), 'SomeExport']
    • @todo - multiple named exports?

A component to dynamically load.

Default export

<LoadIt load={() => import('./LoadMe')} />

Named export

<LoadIt load={[ () => import('./LoadMe'), 'LoadThisExport' ]} />


func: (obj) => element

const renderLoading = ({ loadError, loadTimeout, pastDelay }) => {
  if (loadError) {
    return <div>Load error</div>;
  } else if (pastDelay && !loadTimeout) {
    return <LoadingSkeleton />;
  } else if (loadTimeout) {
    return <div>Taking awhile...</div>;
  return null;

Return an optional component to show while loading. Passes an object to be used to create a more complex loading component (e.g. load fails).

  • loadError (bool) - true if load failed.
  • loadTimeout (bool) - true if timeout prop is set and timeout length has past.
  • pastDelay (bool) - true if delay is set and delay time has past.



<LoadIt delay={200} loadingComponent={...} ... />

Good to use for components that are taking awhile (> ~200ms) to load (possibly on a slow connection, or the component is large in size). Use with loadingComponent.

The basic idea is to show nothing until this delay has past, then showing a spinner or message to the effect of "loading...". Research has shown the user will perceive the app as being faster if no spinner is shown before 200ms. Makes sense.



<LoadIt timeout={10000} loadingComponent={...} ... />

Good to use for components that are taking their time 🐢 to load (possibly on a slow connection, or the component is large in size). Use with loadingComponent.



<LoadIt shouldLoad={ && true} ... />

This is optional and simply an opportunity to avoid nesting the component inside if/else logic inside of render(). This will load the core <LoadIt />, but not dynamically load the desired file, or loading views, until the logic returns true.

This pattern can be helpful in a situation where you want to show a wrapping component