
Measure your react components in real time

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactMeasureBox from '';



Test the responsive behavior of your react components.

This component was created for use with the storybook. It provides a convenient way to test the responsive behavior of your components.


npm install --save 'measure-box-react'

yarn add 'measure-box-react'

Basic usage

Just wrap your component with <MeasureBox> component:

import MeasureBox from 'measure-box-react'


Available props

children: ReactElement;

MeasureBox must receive the children element to measure.

resizable?: 'both' | 'horizontal' | 'vertical';

The ways you want to resize your box. If not given the box will not be resizable.

color?: string;

Color of the box border. Orange by default.

height?: string;

Optional height of the box.

width?: string;

Optional width of the box.

className?: string

Optional styles class for the component.