
React component for medical image visualization. Interacts with the med-img server

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactMedImgViewer from '';



Visualize an image on the web/electron.js

NPM JavaScript Style Guide


npm install --save react-med-img-viewer
export NODE_OPTIONS=--max_old_space_size=8192


import {MedImgViewer, MedImgReader} from 'react-med-img-viewer';

If you like to control the layout using a button toolbar to show different layouts set showToolBar to 1.

    <MedImgViewer vtkImagePrimary={vtkImagePrimary} style={{padding: 0}} showToolBar={1}/>

You can fix the layout by using the prop selectedLayout

    <MedImgViewer selectedLayout="3" vtkImagePrimary={vtkImagePrimary}/>

Reading an image

The MedImgReader works for the electron environment. If you like to know how to read your image using itk.js on the browser, please follow the instructions at itk.js The MedImgViewer receives a vtkImage and displays it.

    var medImgReader = new MedImgReader();
    //filename is the path on disk.

    const self = this;

    return medImgReader.readImage(filename)
        return medImgReader.convertToVtkImage(itkImage);
        self.setState({...self.state, vtkImagePrimary: vtkImage});


MIT © juanprietob