
Yet another React router. But this one has multi-columns and animations built-in.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactMegaRouter from '';


🛣🛣 React Mega Router 🛣🛣

Yet another React router. But this one has multi-columns, hooks and animations, built-in.


✅ Multi-columns, aka nested side-by-side routes (cols prop)
✅ Enter hook (onEnter prop or onEnter route attribute)
✅ Leave async blockable hook (onLeave prop or onLeave route attribute)
✅ Browser, Hash or Memory history (memory, hash and historyParams props)
✅ Animation classNames: will-enter, entering, direction-forward, direction-backward, direction-same, col-1, col-2, cols-2, ...
✅ Link component with automatic active className


👀 Try it
🛠 Grill it 🔨


Via NPM:

npm install react-mega-router --save

Via Yarn:

yarn add react-mega-router

Basic Usage

import Router from 'react-mega-router';
import { PageFoo, PageBar, PageMoien } from './pages';

const demoRoutes = [
      path: '/foo',
      component: PageFoo,
      onEnter: (route, history, action) => console.log('Just entered!'),
      onLeave: (route, history) => console.log('Should I block the navigation?'),
      onMount: params => console.log('mounted!', params),
      routes: [
            path: '/foo/:bar',
            component: PageBar
      path: '/moien',
      component: PageMoien

const App = props => {
   return <Router routes={demoRoutes} cols={2} />;

Router props

Property Type Required Description
routes array true Array of Route (details below)
cols integer false Number of visible columns
onEnter function false Triggered by (any) route entering (route, history, actionlocation, action, )=>{}
onLeave function false Triggered by (any) route leaving async (route, history)=>{}, returns false to deny navigation
onMount function false Triggered when component is ready
animate boolean false False to disable animation classNames
path string false Forced router path, ignoring history
notFound react element false Not found route fallback
memory boolean false use memoryHistory instead of browserHistory
hash boolean false use hashHistory instead of browserHistory
historyParams object false pass params to createHistory

Route attributes

Property Type Required Description
path string true path (url-pattern format)
component React Component true Number of visible columns
routes array false Sub routes
onEnter function false Triggered by route entering
onLeave function false Triggered by route leaving async (route, history)=>{}, returns false to block navigation
animation string false Animation className, false to disabled
{...} - false Any other props that needs to be passed to component

Route component passed props

Property Type Description
history history History object
col integer Current column
cols integer Columns count
path string Current path
router object Router props
{...} - Any other route attributes

Advanced Usage: external navigation Links

The history can be externalized using HistoryProvider.
This can be useful to use Link components outside of the Router:

import Router, { HistoryProvider, Link } from 'react-mega-router';

//const demoRoutes = ...

const App = props => {
   return (
         <Router routes={demoRoutes} cols={2} />
            <Link href="/route1">Route 1</Link>
            <Link href="/route1/foobar">Route 1 sub</Link>