
A template for creating a reusable [React]( module which will be published to npm and also provide a browser bundle which exports a single global variable.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactModuleKrabos1 from '';


Reusable React module

A template for creating a reusable React module which will be published to npm and also provide a browser bundle which exports a single global variable.

Download and extract, then install dependencies:

npm install

package.json settings

The build script requires the following to be set up in package.json:

  • name - used as the browser bundle filename and in its header comment
  • standalone - global variable name exported from the browser bundle
  • main - entry point for the module; default is './lib/index.js'
  • version - default is '1.0.0'
  • homepage - used in the browser bundle header comment
  • license - used in the browser bundle header comment; default is 'MIT' (a template MIT file is also included)

The build script expects to find JSHint config in ./.jshintrc, so a default is provided - drop your own in, though! It's worth taking a few minutes to set one up as per your preferences if you don't already have one, promise!

React is configured as a peer dependency to avoid silently pulling in multiple versions of React if there's a mismatch with the version expected by your module and any project it's being used in.

Default browserify-shim config is set up to shim both require('react') and require('react/addons') to a global React variable in the browser bundle. If you have other dependencies which ship browser global versions, add them in here in the same manner.

Directory structure

CommonJS source code (which may use JSX and ES6 transforms supported by react-tools) lives in src/.

JavaScript is transpiled from src/ into lib/ - this is what will get published to npm if you run npm publish.

The entry point for the module is expected to be ./lib/index.js - this is set up as the default in package.json.

.gitignore is preconfigured to ignore lib/ and node_modules/

.npmignore is preconfigured to ignore almost everything except lib/.

npm scripts

npm run watch - watch src/, transpiling source code into lib/, linting and creating a browser bundle in dist/ on every change.

npm run debug - does the same as npm run watch but also includes a sourcemap in the browser bundle.

npm run dist - creates a release version of the browser bundle, writing both uncompressed .js and compressed .min.js versions to dist/.