
npm install react-multi-steps final-form react-final-form

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactMultiSteps from '';




npm install react-multi-steps final-form react-final-form


  • keep the form state in local storage, you can close page and return to the same url and it reloads the form state
  • keep the current step number in the url query, you can use history to navigate the steps
  • use any form element from react-final-form
  • validation of the form at every step

Usage Example

Check out the exmple folder for an up to date example

import React from 'react'
import { Wizard, WizardStepProps } from 'react-multi-steps'
import { Field } from 'react-final-form'

const App = () => {
    return (
            <Step0 />
            <Step1 />

const Step0 = ({ next }: WizardStepProps) => {
    return (
        <Stack spacing={4} flex='1' justify='center' align='center'>
            <Text fontSize='48px'>Begin the step form</Text>
            <Text opacity={0.5} fontSize='24px'>
                to test this awesome react component
            <Box flex='1' />
            <Button onClick={next}>brgin</Button>

const Step1 = ({ next }: WizardStepProps) => {
    return (
        <Stack spacing={4} flex='1'>
            <Text>Insert some text</Text>
            <TextInput name='text2' placeholder='Insert text 1' />
            <Box flex='1' />
            <Button onClick={next}>next</Button>

const TextInput = ({ name, }: { name } & InputProps) => {
    const { input, meta } = useField(name, { initialValue: rest.defaultValue })
    return <inpu {...input} {}/>

export const Wrapper = ({ children }) => {
    return (
                {/* use this to add a stepper or container element */}