
react-multiselect-search-dropdown is a react component which provides you the ability to select multiple values from the list along with a search option.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactMultiselectSearchDropdown from '';



react-multiselect-search-dropdown is a react component which provides you the ability to select multiple values from the list along with a search option.

React Multiselect


npm install --save react-multiselect-search-dropdown


import MultiSelectDropDown from 'react-multiselect-search-dropdown';

    var valuesArr=[
    {'id':1,'options':'Apple','selected':false,'secondaryValue':'Mango'},  //selected:true makes the option checked by default 
     ]                                     //each element should have a unique id,options that will be displayed and 'selected' key

      id="dropdown1"                                            // pass a unique id for each multiselectdropdown
      options={valuesArr}                                       //an array with {id,value to be displayed,'selected':true or false}
      getSelectedValues={this.getValues.bind(this)}/>           //function that will give back all the selected values 

Inputs to pass and Props

Input/Props Name Mandatory Type Description
Input id yes number Unique id to identify each option
Input options yes string Primary data that gets displayed in dropdown list
Input selected yes boolean To determine whether an option should be selected by default or not
Input secondaryValue no string Additional data that gets displayed along with options
Props options yes array Option list that needs to be passed to
Props getSelectedValues yes function function that will give back all the selected values
