Intro / Preview
Component to search suggestion during you write a word. Based on a static data list or remote data. You can search suggestion in static data or fetching data suggestion from an api doing the work when you send the word you write. If suggestion is selected, an object ({ id: XX, name: XX }) is sent back to the parent component. The same occurs by simply write data corresponding to one suggestion. The component is usable with static data or data stored remotly like an elastic index using suggest feature (ex:

Install package via npm:
npm install react-native-react-native-autocomplete-search
Install package via npm:
yarn add react-native-autocomplete-search
Props details of InputAutosuggest
inputStyle: style object to change the style of the InputText used // Optional
flatListStyle: style object to change the style of the FlatList used // Optional
itemTextStyle: style object to change the style of the text suggestion, // Optional
itemTagStyle: style object to change the style of the tag suggestion, // Optional
apiEndpointSuggestData: function to access suggest feature to remote data (elatic index for example), // omit if using staticData
staticData: Array containing static data used to search suggestion instead of using apiEndpointSuggestData // omit if using apiEndpointSuggestData
onDataSelectedChange: function to handle selected data in parent component
keyPathRequestResult: path as string. It is used in the case of fetching data like elastic for example, array suggestion can be in a specific path of the object. // can be omit if your data object is an array
itemFormat: object to containing path string for 'id' and 'name' in the data array. 'tags' is an array of string and is optional. // Optional if you data array contains id and name property in each object
Include the library in your code
import { InputAutoSuggest } from 'react-native-autocomplete-search';
Simple usage with static data
style={{ flex: 1 }}
{id:'1', name:'Paris'},
{id:'2', name: 'Pattanduru'},
{id:'3', name: 'Para'},
{id:'4', name:'London'},
{id:'5', name:'New York'},
{id:'6', name:'Berlin'}]}
Complex usage with static data
style={{ flex: 1 }}
{someAttribute: 'val1', details: { id: '1', name:'Paris', country:'FR', continent:'Europe'}},
{someAttribute: 'val2', details: { id: '2', name: 'Pattanduru', country:'PA', continent:'South America'}},
{someAttribute: 'val3', details: { id: '3', name: 'Para', country:'PA', continent: 'South America'}},
{someAttribute: 'val4', details: { id: '4', name:'London', country:'UK', continent: 'Europe'}},
{someAttribute: 'val5', details: { id: '5', name:'New York', country: 'US', continent: 'North America'}},
{someAttribute: 'val6', details: { id: '6', name:'Berlin', country: 'DE', continent: 'Europe'}},
itemFormat={{id: '', name: '', tags:['details.continent', '']}}
itemFormat is used to give the path to the id, name and tags giving:

Simple usage with remote data fetching
You can use the component to send the text you write and ask an api to make the suggestions. Just give your method calling the api to apiEndpointSuggestData prop instead of staticData.
style={{ flex: 1 }}
apiEndpointSuggestData={text => YOUR-METHOD-CALLING-API(text)}
itemFormat={{id: '', name: '', tags:['details.continent', '']}}
Get back the data selected to the parent component
You can get back data information about the research by using the prop function 'onDataSelectedChange': on object is passed as { id: XX, name: XX } or as null if there is not corresponding research information about the test.
style={{ flex: 1 }}
apiEndpointSuggestData={text => YOUR-METHOD-CALLING-API(text)}
itemFormat={{id: '', name: '', tags:['details.continent', '']}}
onDataSelectedChange={data => console.log(data)}