
React components for creating data-driven forms React Native.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactNativeBaselineInputs from '';



React components for creating data-driven forms React Native.



Name Type Description
value required string
onChange (value: string) => void
allowFontScaling boolean Specifies whether fonts should scale to respect Text Size accessibility settings.
The default is true.
autoCapitalize "none" \| "sentences" \| "words" \| "characters" Can tell TextInput to automatically capitalize certain characters.
characters: all characters,
words: first letter of each word
sentences: first letter of each sentence (default)
none: don't auto capitalize anything
autoCorrect boolean If false, disables auto-correct.
The default value is true.
autoFocus boolean If true, focuses the input on componentDidMount.
The default value is false.
blurOnSubmit boolean If true, the text field will blur when submitted.
The default value is true.
caretHidden boolean If true, caret is hidden. The default value is false.
contextMenuHidden boolean If true, context menu is hidden. The default value is false.
defaultValue string Provides an initial value that will change when the user starts typing.
Useful for simple use-cases where you don't want to deal with listening to events
and updating the value prop to keep the controlled state in sync.
editable boolean If false, text is not editable. The default value is true.
keyboardType KeyboardTypeOptions enum("default", 'numeric', 'email-address', "ascii-capable", 'numbers-and-punctuation', 'url', 'number-pad', 'phone-pad', 'name-phone-pad',
'decimal-pad', 'twitter', 'web-search', 'visible-password')
Determines which keyboard to open, e.g.numeric.
The following values work across platforms: - default - numeric - email-address - phone-pad
The following values work on iOS: - ascii-capable - numbers-and-punctuation - url - number-pad - name-phone-pad - decimal-pad - twitter - web-search
The following values work on Android: - visible-password
maxLength number Limits the maximum number of characters that can be entered.
Use this instead of implementing the logic in JS to avoid flicker.
multiline boolean If true, the text input can be multiple lines. The default value is false.
onBlur (e: NativeSyntheticEvent<TextInputFocusEventData>) => void Callback that is called when the text input is blurred
onContentSizeChange (e: NativeSyntheticEvent<TextInputContentSizeChangeEventData>) => void Callback that is called when the text input's content size changes.
This will be called with
{ nativeEvent: { contentSize: { width, height } } }.

Only called for multiline text inputs.
onEndEditing (e: NativeSyntheticEvent<TextInputEndEditingEventData>) => void Callback that is called when text input ends.
onFocus (e: NativeSyntheticEvent<TextInputFocusEventData>) => void Callback that is called when the text input is focused
onSelectionChange (e: NativeSyntheticEvent<TextInputSelectionChangeEventData>) => void Callback that is called when the text input selection is changed.
onSubmitEditing (e: NativeSyntheticEvent<TextInputSubmitEditingEventData>) => void Callback that is called when the text input's submit button is pressed.
onScroll (e: NativeSyntheticEvent<TextInputScrollEventData>) => void Invoked on content scroll with
{ nativeEvent: { contentOffset: { x, y } } }.

May also contain other properties from ScrollEvent but on Android contentSize is not provided for performance reasons.
onKeyPress (e: NativeSyntheticEvent<TextInputKeyPressEventData>) => void Callback that is called when a key is pressed.
This will be called with
{ nativeEvent: { key: keyValue } }
where keyValue is 'Enter' or 'Backspace' for respective keys and the typed-in character otherwise including ' ' for space.

Fires before onChange callbacks.
Note: on Android only the inputs from soft keyboard are handled, not the hardware keyboard inputs.
placeholder string The string that will be rendered before text input has been entered
placeholderTextColor string The text color of the placeholder string
returnKeyType ReturnKeyTypeOptions enum('default', 'go', 'google', 'join', 'next', 'route', 'search', 'send', 'yahoo', 'done', 'emergency-call')
Determines how the return key should look.
secureTextEntry boolean If true, the text input obscures the text entered so that sensitive text like passwords stay secure.
The default value is false.
selectTextOnFocus boolean If true, all text will automatically be selected on focus
selection { start: number; end?: number; } The start and end of the text input's selection. Set start and end to
the same value to position the cursor.
selectionColor string The highlight (and cursor on ios) color of the text input
style StyleProp<TextStyle> Styles
testID string Used to locate this view in end-to-end tests
inputAccessoryViewID string Used to connect to an InputAccessoryView. Not part of react-natives documentation, but present in examples and
See for more information.
maxFontSizeMultiplier number Specifies largest possible scale a font can reach when allowFontScaling is enabled. Possible values:
- null/undefined (default): inherit from the parent node or the global default (0)
- 0: no max, ignore parent/global default
- >= 1: sets the maxFontSizeMultiplier of this node to this value
hitSlop Insets This defines how far a touch event can start away from the view.
Typical interface guidelines recommend touch targets that are at least
30 - 40 points/density-independent pixels. If a Touchable view has
a height of 20 the touchable height can be extended to 40 with
hitSlop={{top: 10, bottom: 10, left: 0, right: 0}}
NOTE The touch area never extends past the parent view bounds and
the Z-index of sibling views always takes precedence if a touch
hits two overlapping views.
onLayout (event: LayoutChangeEvent) => void Invoked on mount and layout changes with

{nativeEvent: { layout: {x, y, width, height}}}.
pointerEvents "none" \| "box-none" \| "box-only" \| "auto" In the absence of auto property, none is much like CSS's none value. box-none is as if you had applied the CSS class:

.box-none {
pointer-events: none;
.box-none _ {
pointer-events: all;

box-only is the equivalent of

.box-only {
pointer-events: all;
.box-only _ {
pointer-events: none;

But since pointerEvents does not affect layout/appearance, and we are already deviating from the spec by adding additional modes,
we opt to not include pointerEvents on style. On some platforms, we would need to implement it as a className anyways. Using style or not is an implementation detail of the platform.
removeClippedSubviews boolean This is a special performance property exposed by RCTView and is useful for scrolling content when there are many subviews,
most of which are offscreen. For this property to be effective, it must be applied to a view that contains many subviews that extend outside its bound.
The subviews must also have overflow: hidden, as should the containing view (or one of its superviews).
nativeID string Used to reference react managed views from native code.
collapsable boolean Views that are only used to layout their children or otherwise don't draw anything
may be automatically removed from the native hierarchy as an optimization.
Set this property to false to disable this optimization and ensure that this View exists in the native view hierarchy.
needsOffscreenAlphaCompositing boolean Whether this view needs to rendered offscreen and composited with an alpha in order to preserve 100% correct colors and blending behavior.
The default (false) falls back to drawing the component and its children
with an alpha applied to the paint used to draw each element instead of rendering the full component offscreen and compositing it back with an alpha value.
This default may be noticeable and undesired in the case where the View you are setting an opacity on
has multiple overlapping elements (e.g. multiple overlapping Views, or text and a background).

Rendering offscreen to preserve correct alpha behavior is extremely expensive
and hard to debug for non-native developers, which is why it is not turned on by default.
If you do need to enable this property for an animation,
consider combining it with renderToHardwareTextureAndroid if the view contents are static (i.e. it doesn't need to be redrawn each frame).
If that property is enabled, this View will be rendered off-screen once,
saved in a hardware texture, and then composited onto the screen with an alpha each frame without having to switch rendering targets on the GPU.
renderToHardwareTextureAndroid boolean Whether this view should render itself (and all of its children) into a single hardware texture on the GPU.

On Android, this is useful for animations and interactions that only modify opacity, rotation, translation, and/or scale:
in those cases, the view doesn't have to be redrawn and display lists don't need to be re-executed. The texture can just be
re-used and re-composited with different parameters. The downside is that this can use up limited video memory, so this prop should be set back to false at the end of the i