
A localStorage-like wrapper around React Native's AsyncStorage with cache expiration.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactNativeCacheStore from '';


React Native Cache Store npm version

A localStorage-like wrapper around React Native's AsyncStorage with cache expiration.

100% inspired by @pamelafox's lscache. Currently being used by my project, hackerweb-ios.

WARNING: The test coverage is not very high 😅


npm i --save react-native-cache-store

API Reference

  • set(key, value, [time]) - Stores the value. Expires after specified number of minutes.

    1. key (string)
    2. value (Object | string)
    3. time (number: optional)
  • get(key) - Retrieves specified value, if not expired.

    1. key (string)
  • remove(key) - Removes a value.

    1. key (string)
  • isExpired(key) - Checks if a value has expired.

    1. key (string)
  • flush() - Removes all items.

  • flushExpired() - Removes all expired items. This method runs every time this code is initalized.

Example Usage

import CacheStore from 'react-native-cache-store';

CacheStore.set('key', 'value', 10); // Expires in 10 minutes

CacheStore.get('key').then((value) => {
  // Do something with value

  .then(() => {/* true */ })
  .catch(() => {/* false */})


Of course, contributions welcomed! 🙌
