
React native wrapper for Chabok SDK

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactNativeChabok from '';


Table of contents:

Project Notes

  1. For developing in this project use WebStorm IDE. This is the best IDE and more compatible with React-Native platform.

  2. All js module codes are in chabok-client-rn/lib path. After applied changes in the native modules, Don't forget apply them on the js module if need.

  3. SDK initialization should be in native side for each platform. For example: iOS users should call configureEnvironment method from native SDK in AppDelegate.m class.

Android contributing instructions:


  1. For developing Android native bridge use Android Studio IDE.

  2. Never change the ChabokReactPackage class. When this class may change you need to support for specific version on the React-Native. Their breaking changes always affects of this module.

  3. React-Native has any two-way communication channel from the native module to js module and conversely. You have a one-way communication service by calling emit method.

  4. For running project on android device follow the instruction:

 npm run android

Update Android native SDK:

All Chabok libraries follow the semantic versioning.

Without any breaking changes:

If it hasn't any breaking changes follow this instruction:

cd react-native-rn/android

vi build.gradle

Just change Chabok Android SDK Version:


 api 'com.adpdigital.push:chabok-lib:3.4.0'


 api 'com.adpdigital.push:chabok-lib:3.5.0'

With breaking changes

If it has some breaking changes first follow the above instruction. After that if breaking changes includes code changes, don't forget apply all changes in bridge class. The ChabokPushModule is a simple bridge for connect the native module and js module.

iOS contributing instructions:


  1. For developing iOS native bridge use Xcode IDE. Open project from react-native-rn/ios path.

  2. For testing iOS bridge you should use cocoapods with 1.7.5 version.

  3. For running project on iOS device follow the instruction:

 cd ios
 pod install

 cd ..
 npm run ios

Update iOS native SDK:

All Chabok libraries follow the semantic versioning.

Without any breaking changes:

If it hasn't any breaking changes follow this instruction:

cd react-native-rn

vi react-native-chabok.podspec

Just change Chabok iOS SDK Version:


 s.dependency "ChabokPush", "~> 2.2.0"


 s.dependency "ChabokPush", "~> 2.3.0"

And copy last version of iOS framework into the react-native-rn/ios/frameworks:

With breaking changes

If it has some breaking changes first follow the above instruction. After that if breaking changes includes code changes, don't forget apply all changes in ChabokPush.m bridge class. The ChabokPush is a simple bridge for connect the native module and js module.