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<script type="module">
  import reactNativeChangelog from '';



npm version Platform

Modal component that visualises changelogs as timelines. Made for React Native and based on the expo core for automatic versioning.

A big thank you to thegamenicorus and eugnis for the work on the timeline component.


npm install react-native-changelog

Changelog Usage

import {Changelog} from "react-native-changelog";

const changes =
        version: 'V2.3',
        date: '16. January 2020',
            '- New menu items\n' +
            '- Added support for Danish language\n' +
            '- Minor changes'
        version: 'V2.2',
        date: '27. November 2019',
            '- Minor bug fixes'

() => (

Managed Changelog Usage

This is a convenience component for automatic management of whether the user has seen the dialog for a given version. This is done by saving the current version of the app in AsyncStorage when the dialog is closed. In the example below, the version is taken from Expo Constants.

import {ManagedChangelog} from "react-native-changelog";
import Constants from "expo-constants";

const changes =
        version: 'V2.3',
        date: '16. January 2020',
            '- New menu items\n' +
            '- Added support for Danish language\n' +
            '- Minor changes'
        version: 'V2.2',
        date: '27. November 2019',
            '- Minor bug fixes'

() => (
  <ManagedChangelog changelog={changes} version={Constants.manifest.version}/>


Prop Description Default
backdropColor Color used for the background behind the dialog #125688
buttonText Text of the OK button Okay
changelog List of changes in the format of objects containing the following keys: version, date, changes. See example below. []
color Primary color used for bullets and button #2d9cdb
colorDarker Secondary color used for version tags #125688
onClose Callback when the dialog is closed. () => {}
show Boolean controlling whether the dialog is shown (only for Changelog) false
title Title of the dialog Since last time 👋!
version* Version used for automatic showing of the dialog (only for ManagedChangelog) ""

*Required for ManagedChangelog.



Check full example in the Example folder.

import React from 'react';
import {StyleSheet, Text, View} from 'react-native';
import {ManagedChangelog} from "react-native-changelog";
import Constants from "expo-constants";
const changes =
        version: 'V2.3',
        date: '16. January 2020',
            '- New menu items\n' +
            '- Added support for Danish language\n' +
            '- Minor changes'
        version: 'V2.2',
        date: '27. November 2019',
            '- Minor bug fixes'

export default function App() {
    return (
        <View style={styles.container}>
            <ManagedChangelog changelog={changes} version={Constants.manifest.version} />
            <Text>Changelog example</Text>

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
    container: {
        flex: 1,
        backgroundColor: '#fff',
        alignItems: 'center',
        justifyContent: 'center',


MIT License. © Theis Grønbech Petersen 2020