This is simple wrapper that return an array of contacts which can be handled by the developer for their specific use.
yarn add react-native-contact
For React Native => 0.59 only:
react-native link react-native-contact
Make sure your manifest files includes permission to read contacts
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CONTACTS" />
selectContact(): Promise<Contact | null>;
selectContactPhone(): Promise<ContactPhoneSelection | null>;
selectContactEmail(): Promise<ContactEmailSelection | null>;
selectContactPostalAddress(): Promise<ContactPostalAddressSelection | null>;
These methods all will return an array. Which in turn can be handled by the developer for their specific need.
interface PhoneEntry {
number: string,
type: string
interface EmailEntry {
address: string,
type: string
interface AddressEntry {
formattedAddress: string, // android only
type: string, // android only
street: string,
city: string,
state: string,
postalCode: string,
isoCountryCode: string
interface Contact {
name: string,
phones: PhoneEntry[],
emails: EmailEntry[],
postalAddresses: AddressEntry[]
interface ContactPhoneSelection {
contact: Contact,
selectedPhone: PhoneEntry
interface ContactEmailSelection {
contact: Contact,
selectedEmail: EmailEntry
interface ContactPostalAddressSelection {
contact: Contact,
selectedAddress: AddressEntry
import { selectContactPhone } from 'react-native-contact';
function getPhoneNumber() {
return selectContactPhone()
.then(selection => {
if (!selection) {
return null;
console.log('Contact phone numbers: '+selection);