
This is a fork of react-native-date-ranges a bit more customizable

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactNativeDateRangesPicker from '';



npm version npm downloads

Getting started

$ npm install react-native-date-ranges --save

alt text


import DatePicker from 'react-native-date-ranges';

//range picker
    style={ { width: 350, height: 45 } }
    customStyles = { {
        placeholderText:{ fontSize:20 } // placeHolder style
        headerStyle : {  },			// title container style
        headerMarkTitle : { }, // title mark style 
        headerDateTitle: { }, // title Date style
        contentInput: {}, //content text container style
        contentText: {}, //after selected text Style
    } } // optional 
    centerAlign // optional text will align center or not
    allowFontScaling = {false} // optional
    placeholder={'Apr 27, 2018 → Jul 10, 2018'}

//single picker
    style={ { width: 350, height: 45 } }
    customStyles = { {
        placeholderText:{ fontSize:20 }, // placeHolder style
        headerStyle : {  },			// title container style
        headerMarkTitle : { }, // title mark style 
        headerDateTitle: { }, // title Date style
        contentInput: {}, //content text container style
        contentText: {}, //after selected text Style
    } } // optional 
    centerAlign // optional text will align center or not
    allowFontScaling = {false} // optional
    placeholder={'Apr 27, 2018'}

//customButton usage...
export default class NewPicker extends React.Component{
    customButton = (onConfirm) => (
            style={{ container:{ width:'80%', marginHorizontal:'3%' }, text:{ fontSize: 20 } }}

    const {
    } = this.props;
        ref = {(ref)=> this.picker = ref}
        customButton = {this.customButton}


Prop Type Description
placeholder String optional.
customStyles Object optional. customize style e.g.({ placeholderText:{}, headerStyle:{} ... })
style Object Optional. date picker's style
onConfirm Function Optional. call function after click button, that would return a date object {startDate:'', endDate:''} e.g( value=>console.log(value))
selectedBgColor String Optional. custom your selected date background color e.g {"black"}
selectedTextColor String Optional. custom your selected date text color e.g {"black"}
ButtonStyle Object Optional. custom your save button container style
ButtonTextStyle Object Optional. custom your save button Text style
returnFormat String Optional. custom your datetime format e.g.('YYYY/MM/DD') at onConfirm
headFormat String Optional. custom your datetime format showing at headBlock e.g.('YYYY/MM/DD')
outFormat String Optional. custom your datetime format showing at outline touchable filed e.g.('YYYY/MM/DD')
mode String one of ['range', 'single'] , default as single
customButton component Optional (total custom your button component)e.g.(<Button></Button>)
blockBefore Bool optional. default is false, decide blocke date before today or not
markText String optional. default is "選擇日期", you can custom this prop to label text with ur own
buttonText String optional. you can modify default button't label with your own
blockAfter Bool optional. default is false, decide blocke date after today or not
dateSplitter String optional. default is '->', decide custom dateSplitter with String