
Less intrussive tool to manage many environment variables accross any part in a React Native Project.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactNativeEnvironmental from '';



Less intrussive tool to manage many environment variables accross any part in a React Native Project.


npm install react-native-environmental


add .env's (.env.) android add apply apply from: "../../node_modules/react-native-environmental/android/preCompile.gradle"; initialize() add flavor and name it reference to .env variables from gradle project.env.get("") EXAMPLE: resValue "string", "", project.env.get("") NOTE: if you want to use an env data inside a string resource you have to delete it from the stringd.xml. for example if you want to replace the app_name, before build you have to remove from app/res/stringd.xml the line ZankyouMobileApp

reference to .env variables from code
    BuildConfig.<env var>

ios create Config.xcconfig create new scheme

    point, on every step, "Build Configuration" to "Config"
    preaction build
        set 'Provide build setting from' with the current target
        . "${SRCROOT}/../node_modules/react-native-environmental/ios/" "<whatever>"
    postaction build
        set 'Provide build setting from' with the current target
        . "${SRCROOT}/../node_modules/react-native-environmental/ios/"

reference to .env variables from configuration
        ${<env var>}
reference to .env variables from code
    [[[NSBundle mainBundle] objectForInfoDictionaryKey:@"ENV_VAR_<env var>"] UTF8String]

react-native run-android --variant=Debug --appIdSuffix '' react-native run-android --variant=Debug --appId '<appid_of_whatever>'

react-native run-ios --scheme ""
