This is a React-Native ExpandableListView component that you can freely modify its styles.
To install just input the following command:
npm i react-native-expandable-listview
yarn add react-native-expandable-listview
Data Structure
const CONTENT = [
id: '1', // required, id of item
categoryName: 'Item 1', // label of item expandable item
subCategory: [
// required, array containing inner objects
id: '3', // required, of inner object
name: 'Sub Cat 1', // required, label of inner object
id: '4',
name: 'Sub Cat 3',
id: '2',
categoryName: 'Item 8',
subCategory: [{id: '22', name: 'Sub Cat 22'}],
Basic Usage

import React, {Component} from 'react';
import {ExpandableListView} from 'react-native-expandable-listview';
const CONTENT = [
id: '42',
categoryName: 'Item 1',
subCategory: [
id: '1',
"Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged",
{id: '2', name: 'Sub Item 2'},
id: '95',
categoryName: 'Item 2',
subCategory: [{id: '1', name: 'Sub Item 1'}],
id: '94',
categoryName: 'Item 3',
subCategory: [{id: '1', name: 'Sub Item 1'}],
id: '93',
categoryName: 'Item 4',
subCategory: [{id: '1', name: 'Sub Item 1'}],
id: '92',
categoryName: 'Item 5',
subCategory: [{id: '1', name: 'Sub Item 1'}],
id: '96',
categoryName: 'Item 6',
subCategory: [{id: '1', name: 'Sub Item 1'}],
function YourComponent() {
function handleItemClick({index}) {
function handleInnerItemClick({innerIndex, item, itemIndex}) {
render() {
return (
data={CONTENT} // required
Advanced Usage

import React, {Component} from 'react';
import {Text, Image} from 'react-native';
import {ExpandableListView} from 'react-native-expandable-listview';
const CONTENT = [
id: '42',
categoryName: 'Item 1',
customItem: (
<View style={{flexDirection: 'column'}}>
<Text>Custom Item</Text>
<Text>what you</Text>
subCategory: [
customInnerItem: (
<View style={{flexDirection: 'column', marginLeft: 15}}>
<Text>Inner Item</Text>
<Text>With whatever you need</Text>
id: '1',
name: '',
{id: '2', name: 'Sub Item 2'},
id: '96',
categoryName: 'Item 2',
subCategory: [{id: '1', name: 'Sub Item 1'}],
id: '12',
categoryName: 'Item 3',
subCategory: [
{id: '1', name: 'Category 1'},
{id: '2', name: 'Category 2'},
{id: '3', name: 'Category 3'},
function YourComponent() {
const [listDataSource, setListDataSource] = useState([])
function handleItemClick({index}) {
function handleInnerItemClick({innerIndex, item, itemIndex}) {
render() {
return (
// ExpandableListViewStyles={{borderTopWidth:1}} // styles to expandable listview
// renderInnerItemSeparator={false} // true or false, render separator between inner items
// renderItemSeparator={false} // true or false, render separator between Items
// itemContainerStyle={{}} // add your styles to all item container of your list
// itemLabelStyle={{}} // add your styles to all item text of your list
// customChevron={{}} // your custom image to the indicator
// chevronColor="white" // color of the default indicator
// innerItemContainerStyle={{}} // add your styles to all inner item containers of your list
// itemLabelStyle={{}} // add your styles to all inner item text of your list
// itemImageIndicatorStyle={{}} // add your styles to the image indicator of your list
// animated={true} // sets all animations on/off, default on
// defaultLoaderStyles?: ViewStyle; // Set your styles to default loader (only for animated={true})
// customLoader?: JSX.Element; Pass your custom loader, while your content is measured and rendered (only for animated={true})
All commented options above are optional.
If you want to use the "customLoader" prop, provide JSX.Element or a Component, for example:
import {View, ActivityIndicator} from 'react-native';
// ...
const myLoader = (<View><ActivityIndicator /></View>)
- If you want to use the "customChevron" prop, provide a image path, for example:
import chevron from '../assets/images/yourImage';
// ...
customChevron = {chevron};
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.