
⚛ Simple to use React Native library to get device location for Android and iOS.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactNativeGetLocation from '';


React-Native Get Location

Licence MIT npm version npm downloads

⚛ Simple to use React Native library to get native device location for Android and iOS.


  • React Native >= 0.60.0
  • iOS >= 9.0


Install dependency package

yarn add react-native-get-location


npm i -S react-native-get-location

Go to the folder your-project/ios and run pod install, and you're done.

Android post install

For Android API < 23 you need to define the location permissions on AndroidManifest.xml.

<!-- Define ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION if you will use enableHighAccuracy=true  -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"/>

<!-- Define ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION if you will use enableHighAccuracy=false  -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION"/>

iOS post install

You need to define the permission NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription on Info.plist.

<string>This app needs to get your location...</string>


There is only one function that you need to use to get the user's current location.

import GetLocation from 'react-native-get-location'

    enableHighAccuracy: true,
    timeout: 15000,
.then(location => {
.catch(error => {
    const { code, message } = error;
    console.warn(code, message);

For more details, see the Sample Project.


function GetLocation.getCurrentPosition(LocationConfig)


  • LocationConfig: Configuration object to determine how to get the user current location.


  • Promise<Location>: Promise thats resolve to a Location object.

Object LocationConfig


  • enableHighAccuracy: Set true to use 'fine location' (GPS) our false to use 'course location' (Wifi, Bluetooth, 3G).
  • timeout: The max time (in milliseconds) that you want to wait to receive a location.

Object Location


  • latitude: The latitude, in degrees.
  • longitude: The longitude, in degrees.
  • altitude: The altitude if available, in meters above the WGS 84 reference ellipsoid.
  • accuracy: The estimated horizontal accuracy of this location, radial, in meters.
  • speed: The speed if it is available, in meters/second over ground.
  • time: The UTC time of this fix, in milliseconds since January 1, 1970.
  • bearing: (Android only) The bearing, in degrees.
  • provider: (Android only) The name of the provider that generated this fix.
  • verticalAccuracy: (iOS only) The vertical accuracy of the location. Negative if the altitude is invalid.
  • course: (iOS only) The course of the location in degrees true North. Negative if course is invalid. (0.0 - 359.9 degrees, 0 being true North)

Error codes

|Code|Message| |-|-| |CANCELLED|Location cancelled by user or by another request| |UNAVAILABLE|Location service is disabled or unavailable| |TIMEOUT|Location request timed out| |UNAUTHORIZED|Authorization denied|


New features, bug fixes and improvements are welcome! For questions and suggestions use the issues.

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The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2019 Douglas Nassif Roma Junior

See the full licence file.