
React native passcode pad, allowing you to get that big text input feel

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactNativePasscodePad from '';



Allows for sexy passcode key pad

Which allows for:


Treat it like a <TextInput/> component

import the dependency: import Paddle from 'react-native-passcode-pad

use it


hook into the <TextInput/> like events:

Accepts the following props

value The value....

onChangeText returns the value ....of the component (you'll get log warnings if this is not used)
onSubmitEditing returns the value when the user hits ok (you'll get log warnings if this is not used)

numberElement a function (hopefully react-native?) that is called instead of the default numbers

note numberElement functions are called with the following arguments (so you can style each number however you like):

return numberElement(numberInput, onPress, props);

numberInput is the number that should (or shouldn't) be displayed onPress is what paddle listens to when a child component is... pressed (it expects to be provided the 'value' of the thing that was pressed... Typically a number).

props the remaining props, if any

This component is just the keypad part of the gif example above. Pinyata is coming soon