
A view with a rotating component and revolving text.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactNativeRevolverView from '';


Revolver View

NPM Badge

Demo 1 Demo 2

A revolving picker view.

Inspired by the work of Oleg FrolovSearch icon interaction II.


$ npm install react-native-revolver-view
$ yarn add react-native-revolver-view

Additional dependencies:

$ npm install react-native-reanimated react-native-gesture-handler @react-native-community/masked-view react-native-svg
$ yarn add react-native-reanimated react-native-gesture-handler @react-native-community/masked-view react-native-svg

RN < 0.60 users need to perform linking.

iOS step only:

$ npx pod-install ios

Finalize the installation of react-native-gesture-handler by adding the following to the top of index.js (must be at the top):

import 'react-native-gesture-handler'


import RevolverView, { SearchIcon } from "react-native-revolver-view"

const items = ["All", "Videos", "Images", "News"]

const App = () => {
  const [activeIndex, setActiveIndex] = useState(0)

  const handleNewIndex = newIndex => setActiveIndex(newIndex)

  return (
        flex: 1,
        justifyContent: "center",
        alignItems: "center",
        backgroundColor: "#FFCA27",
        rotatingComponent={<SearchIcon iconColor="#DDD9CB" />}
          width: "50%",
      <View style={{ marginTop: 50 }} />
      <Button title="Set to index 2" onPress={() => handleNewIndex(2)} />

For more advanced usage, check out this example.


Item in Gif Prop Gif
White container containerStyle
wow rotatingComponent
'what is going on' items
'Flexible' button children
interface RevolverViewProps {
   * Array of items to display and iterate over.
  items: string[]
   * Current active item.
  activeIndex: number
   * Called as a result of the tap gesture on the icon.
   * Similarly to a TextInput's onChangeText,
   * onChangeIndex's handler should update the current active index state to @param newIndex.
  onChangeIndex: (newIndex: number) => void
   * Styles for the root view container.
   * @default
   * {
   *    width: '100%',
   *    height: 40,
   *    borderRadius: 8,
   *    backgroundColor: "white",
   *    flexDirection: "row",
   *    alignItems: "center",
   *    justifyContent: "center",
   * }
  containerStyle?: ViewStyle
   * Item text color.
   * @default
   * "#DDD9CB"
  itemColor?: string
   * Item text style.
   * If you would like to change the text color,
   * you have to use itemColor prop due to MaskedView usage.
  itemStyle?: TextStyle
   * Passed component will be rotated as part of the animation.
   * @default
   * <SearchIcon iconColor="#DDD9CB" />
  rotatingComponent?: React.ReactElement<any>
   * Ripple maximum opacity.
   * @default
   * 0.05
  rippleActiveOpacity?: number
   * Ripple color.
   * @default
   * "#000"
  rippleColor?: string
   * React children components.
   * Positioned to the right of the revolving text.
  children?: ReactChild
interface SearchIconProps {
   * Icon color.
  iconColor: string
   * Icon width and height.
   * @default
   * 20
  iconSize?: number
