
Cross-platform shadow for React Native. Improved version of the abandoned react-native-shadow package

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactNativeShadow2 from '';


npm TypeScript npm PRs Welcome


react-native-shadow is dead for years. This one is an improved version with more functionalities, Typescript support and written from scratch. Also, it doesn't require the usage of the size property: the shadow is smartly applied on the first render and then precisely reapplied on the following renders.

It solves the old React Native issue of not having the same shadow appearence and implementation for Android, iOS and Web.

The ethercreative/react-native-shadow-generator website won't give you very similar results between the two platforms, for the reasons I described here, when I started to think more seriously about this shadow issue.

Compatible with Android, iOS and Web. And Expo!

Read the FAQ below!

🍟 Demo / Expo Snack Sandbox

📰 Changelog

💿 Installation

1. First install react-native-svg.

2. Then install react-native-shadow-2:

npm i react-native-shadow-2
# or
yarn add react-native-shadow-2

📖 Usage


import { Shadow } from 'react-native-shadow-2';

  <Text style={{ margin: 20, fontSize: 20 }}>🙂</Text>

Example 1


<Shadow distance={15} startColor={'#eb9066d8'} finalColor={'#ff00ff10'} offset={[3, 4]}>
  <View style={{ borderTopLeftRadius: 24, borderBottomRightRadius: 0, borderRadius: 10, backgroundColor: '#c454f0dd' }}>
    <Text style={{ margin: 20, fontSize: 20 }}>🤯</Text>

Example 2


All properties are optional.

Property Description Type Default
startColor The color of the shadow when it's right next to the given content, leaving it. Accepts alpha channel. string '#00000020'
finalColor The color of the shadow at the maximum distance from the content. Accepts alpha channel. string Transparent color of startColor. Explanation
distance How far the shadow goes. number 10
radius The radius of each corner of your child component. Passing a number will apply it to all corners.

If passing an object, undefined corners will have the radius of the default property if defined.

If undefined, it will try to get viewStyle radii if getViewStyleRadius, and then child's view style radii if getChildRadius, both true as default.

Each corner fallbacks to 0.
number \| { default?: number ; topLeft?: number ; topRight?: number ; bottomLeft?: number ; bottomRight?: number } undefined
offset Moves the shadow. Negative x moves it left, negative y moves it up.

Accepts 'x%' values, in relation to the child's size.

Setting an offset will default paintInside to true, as it's usually the desired behaviour.
[x: string \| number, y: string \| number] [0, 0]
paintInside If the shadow should be applied inside the external shadows, below the child. startColor is used as fill color.

Useful when using offset or if your child has some transparency.
boolean false, but true if offset is defined
sides The sides that will have their shadows drawn. Doesn't include corners. ("left" \| "right" \| "top" \| "bottom")[] ['left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom']
corners The corners that will have their shadows drawn. ("topLeft" \| "topRight" \| "bottomLeft" \| "bottomRight")[] ['topLeft', 'topRight', 'bottomLeft', 'bottomRight']
size If you don't want the 2 renders of the shadow (1st applies the relative positioning and sizing that may contain a quick pixel gap, 2nd uses exact pixel size from onLayout), you may want to use this. Using this won't trigger the onLayout on 2nd render and beyond, as the values entered here are already precisely rounded and are equal to the onLayout values.

You may want to set backgroundColor in the viewStyle property for your child background color.

Useful for animations.
[width: number, height: number] undefined
safeRender If you don't want the relative sizing and positioning of the shadow on the 1st render but only on the 2nd render and beyond with the exact onLayout sizes. Useful if dealing with radii greater than the sides sizes, to avoid visual artifacts on the first render.

When true, the shadow only appears after the first render, where it's invisible.
boolean false
viewStyle The style of the view that wraps your child component.

If using the size property, this wrapping view will automatically receive as style the size values and the radiuses from the radius property or from the child, if getChildRadius.
StyleProp<ViewStyle> undefined
containerViewStyle The style of the view that contains the shadow and your child component. StyleProp<ViewStyle> undefined
getChildRadius If it should try to get the radii from the child's view style if our radius property is undefined. It gets the values of each corner, like borderTopLeftRadius and borderRadius as fallback for all corners.

The corners defined in viewStyle have priority over child's view style, if getViewStyleRadius.
boolean true
getViewStyleRadius If it should try to get the radii from the viewStyle if radius property is undefined. It gets the values of each corner, like borderTopLeftRadius and borderRadius as fallback for all corners.

The corners defined in viewStyle have priority over child's view style, if getViewStyleRadius.
boolean true

⁉️ FAQ

Q: How to set the Shadow opacity?

A: The opacity in react-native-shadow-2, differently from the "original" version, is set directly at the startColor and finalColor properties, in the alpha channel. E.g.: '#0001' would be an almost transparent black. You may also use '#rrggbbaa', 'rgba()', 'hsla()' etc. All patterns in this link, but not int colors, are accepted.

Q: My component is no longer using the available parent width after applying the Shadow! What to do?

A: Use viewStyle={{alignSelf: 'stretch'}} in your Shadow component. Explanation in link above!

Q: I want a preset for my Shadows, so I don't have to type the same props among them and I want to quickly change them all if I want to!

A: This package exports the ShadowProps type, that are the props of the Shadow component. You may do the following:

export const ShadowPresets = {
  button: {
    offset: [0, 1], distance: 1, startColor: '#0003',
  } as ShadowProps,

and then in your Shadow component:

<Shadow {...ShadowPresets.button}>

Q: The offset and size properties are throwing Typescript errors!

A: Upgrade your Typescript to at least 4.0.0! Those two properties use labeled tuples. If you don't use Typescript, this won't happen.

🐛 Notes / Known Issues