
This library offers a react-native persistor for react-query.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactQueryNativePersist from '';



This library offers a react-native persistor for react-query.

It is important to state that this is still an experimental feature of react-query and is subject to change. This library will try to follow up on any changes that may occur.

VERY IMPORTANT: This utility is currently in an experimental stage. This means that breaking changes will happen in minor AND patch releases. Use at your own risk. If you choose to rely on this in production in an experimental stage, please lock your version to a patch-level version to avoid unexpected breakages. Reference


yarn add react-query-native-persist

### or

npm install --save react-query-native-persist



It's important to set the online status and set a cacheTime for the QueryClient:

import { QueryClient, QueryClientProvider, onlineManager } from 'react-query'
import NetInfo from '@react-native-community/netinfo'

// for the persistence to work properly, it's necessary to know the online status
onlineManager.setEventListener((setOnline) =>
  NetInfo.addEventListener((state) => setOnline(Boolean(state.isConnected))),

// construct your QueryClient as you wish
const queryClient = new QueryClient({
  defaultOptions: {
    queries: {
      cacheTime: Infinity,

Don't forget to set the cacheTime:

IMPORTANT - for persist to work properly, you need to pass QueryClient a cacheTime value to override the default during hydration (as shown above). Reference

Basic setup

To make it work you need to create a persistor with createNativePersistor. Place this code at a very top level (e.g. index.js)

import { createNativePersistor } from 'react-query-native-persist'
import AsyncStorageAdapter from 'react-query-native-persist/dist/adapters/async-storage'

import { persistQueryClient } from 'react-query/persistQueryClient-experimental'

const persistor = createNativePersistor({
  adapter: new AsyncStorageAdapter(),

  /* other options */


There are several adapters to use different storage backends. Currently following are pre-packaged:

  • @react-native-async-storage/async-storagereact-query-native-persist/dist/adapters/async-storage
  • react-native-mmkv-storagereact-query-native-persist/dist/adapters/mmkv-storage

Just create an issue if you need another adapter.